cook = legend

cleavers said:
masterwig said:
The club has never been so professionally run from top to bottom.

We have the best website, kit and marketing team in the league. Now all we need is a winning side to match the off pitch success!

....and a ticket office that works ;-)
our ticket office wouldn't work if it had 48000 windows they would still fuck it up !
MESSAGE TO johnmaddocksaxe.

you said

"I have no idea if he is doing a good job or not", at the very start of your diatribe. Surely we
should take all of the subsequent negative, depressive bollocks with a pinch of a certain condiment.

you said

"Like it or not, when I was discussing City with some none City fans the other day, they all,
to a man, branded him a clown"

OK, so whats your point. We are the new kids on the block, spending huge amounts of money. If you mentioned the tea lady to opposition fans she would probably be slated for
being a greedy so and so.

you said

"I dont have enough access to the day to day running of Manchester City to make a proper judgement." (on Cook)

yet you seem to be very judgemental.

you also said you found Cook reminiscent of Peter Risdale (ffs) because of the "Tevez hug",
although (and i quote), "hopefully thats the only similarity, I have no reason to suspect it goes any further than that."


For all your word sophistry you say absolutely nothing whilst trying to paint a bleak picture of the revolution which is taking place at City. I am not sure why, perhaps you are not a City fan.
If you are then I cannot understand you. Maybe you crave for the days of mediocrity, with City lurching from one crisis to the next. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER. Maybe you should go support Hull City mate.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I have no idea whether he is doing a good job or not. Most of that sort of stuff will only be known internally and by those in the know.

I've no reason to suspect he isn't though.

What Cook is an example of though, and I suppose it's a credit to him, is how easy it is to win over fans if you feed them some spin, shake a few hands, invite a few who run websites or supporters clubs to sit in boxes and throw out soundbites that you know they will lap up.

Cook is making every possible effort to listen to and accommodate the fans of the club. I don't care where he grew up or did before this, that's admirable.

I would have thought he is behind the marketting stuff and anyone behind that has to be given a lot of credit though.

As I say, I don't really know much about the job he is doing. I suspect it is probably a very good one.

It does strike me though that those on here who proclaim that the man is God fall broadly into two groups. Those who wet themselves whenever there is any sort of positive soundbite regarding City and those who have met him/been invited to things by him and therefore have, if you like, a vested interest.

He's a Chief Exec FFS. Let's hope he does a brilliant job. The way some people go on about him on here though you'd think he had revolutionised football and not just taken a club forward in the manner that you would hope most highly paid executives would if they were given the biggest budget in the world ever.

Cook hasn't invited me to the opening of a letter nor am I a pant wetter, and I still think he is doing an excellent job. QPR have as big of a budget than us, and still can't move themselves forward. Cook is managing to sell the vision of the club to the big players, whilst keeping the foundations of the club secure.

PS: like it or not, when I was discussing City with some non City fans the other day they all, to a man, branded him a clown. When I asked why they said he seemed full of it, cited the Kaka quote and a couple also mentioned that he seemed to be 'doing a Risdale', trying to appear on camara all the time - mentioning the "stage managed" (not my words) hug to Tevez as soon as he stepped through the doors. So, spin, PR and soundbites work both ways.

Yes, Cook is often on camera, but as he is the face of the club as far as the ownership is concerned, I am not worried about this. Think about what you are saying. How DARE Hughes be in front of a camera, he is JUST a team manager, and doesn't play himself. He's all about PR and spin that lad.
citychief said:
Mike N said:
I've got to agree, very impressed with Cook. Looks like we have a professional doing the job. So it makes me sad to read a city fan's opinion in last night's Evening News slagging him off.

^^^THIS and guy in men probs not a city fan mate just a tosser, cook has been outstanding only hiccup being kaka but when your dealing with one of the best players in the world shit can go wrong very quickly everything else made me smile.


He was very new to football back then (still is, compared to people like Kenyon and Gill). The Kaka thing won't happen again.
No wonder the arabs decided to keep him.
Pam said:
citychief said:
^^^THIS and guy in men probs not a city fan mate just a tosser, cook has been outstanding only hiccup being kaka but when your dealing with one of the best players in the world shit can go wrong very quickly everything else made me smile.


He was very new to football back then (still is, compared to people like Kenyon and Gill). The Kaka thing won't happen again.
No wonder the arabs decided to keep him.

I agree he looks like he is going to be great. I cant wait to see what he does to get interest in North America, seeing as I am Canadian. I HOPE after a few years they open one of those new academies that their doing internationally in America and then eventually in Canada/ It will help raise the profile of Football in North America and introduce them to the sport and there is probably not many other places that you can corner the market on fans other than in North America currently.
The Kaka quote and the Tevez hug the other day, seem to be his only banana skins so far.
The guy came from Nike with a decent reputation.
And so far has enhanced that.
He's definately moving the club forward from a marketing perspective.
Something which whether we like it or not, is essential in the media obsessed climate of today.

The days of "Uncle Joe " as manager, or indeed "Little Albert" the club chairman are gone forever.
And in some ways that's a shame.

But to be successful in this cruel commercial world, you need the right people, fronting your organisation.
And from what I can tell, Gary Cook seems an excellant fit.
Just another example of how our owners are so sure footed in what they do.
Damocles said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I have no idea whether he is doing a good job or not. Most of that sort of stuff will only be known internally and by those in the know.

I've no reason to suspect he isn't though.

What Cook is an example of though, and I suppose it's a credit to him, is how easy it is to win over fans if you feed them some spin, shake a few hands, invite a few who run websites or supporters clubs to sit in boxes and throw out soundbites that you know they will lap up.

Cook is making every possible effort to listen to and accommodate the fans of the club. I don't care where he grew up or did before this, that's admirable.

I would have thought he is behind the marketting stuff and anyone behind that has to be given a lot of credit though.

As I say, I don't really know much about the job he is doing. I suspect it is probably a very good one.

It does strike me though that those on here who proclaim that the man is God fall broadly into two groups. Those who wet themselves whenever there is any sort of positive soundbite regarding City and those who have met him/been invited to things by him and therefore have, if you like, a vested interest.

He's a Chief Exec FFS. Let's hope he does a brilliant job. The way some people go on about him on here though you'd think he had revolutionised football and not just taken a club forward in the manner that you would hope most highly paid executives would if they were given the biggest budget in the world ever.

Cook hasn't invited me to the opening of a letter nor am I a pant wetter, and I still think he is doing an excellent job. QPR have as big of a budget than us, and still can't move themselves forward. Cook is managing to sell the vision of the club to the big players, whilst keeping the foundations of the club secure.

PS: like it or not, when I was discussing City with some non City fans the other day they all, to a man, branded him a clown. When I asked why they said he seemed full of it, cited the Kaka quote and a couple also mentioned that he seemed to be 'doing a Risdale', trying to appear on camara all the time - mentioning the "stage managed" (not my words) hug to Tevez as soon as he stepped through the doors. So, spin, PR and soundbites work both ways.

Yes, Cook is often on camera, but as he is the face of the club as far as the ownership is concerned, I am not worried about this. Think about what you are saying. How DARE Hughes be in front of a camera, he is JUST a team manager, and doesn't play himself. He's all about PR and spin that lad.

I am glad that Cook seems to be making an effort to listen to fans. I agree it's admirable. And I don't care where he has come from either.

However, when it comes to making a judgement as to whether he is an effective Chief Exec or in the same league as the best in the business I have absolutely no idea as the bulk of his work will be internal. And my point is that all the people who think he is the best thing ever have, in reality, hardly any exposure to the important things in his job or information as to whether he does them well or not. Everyone has worked with people who talk a good game but who, in private, colleagues know is lacking in a lot of areas.

I'm not for one minute suggesting that Cook is like that at all. I am just making the point that the reason that there are so many 'Garry Cook walks on water' threads is down to the, if you like, easy stuff regarding telling the fans what they want to hear, making a few changes regarding kits and websites and the fact that he happens to be here at a time when we were always going to attract better players than at any time in the club's history.

I am sure that if the owners ever have an evaluation of their Chief Exec whether he 'says the right things to the fans' would come a poor second to his ability to organise, develop, market and generally internally run the club in their deliberations (and I will say again, I have no reason to suspect he is not good at this).

How difficult exactly is it to 'sell your vision of the club' when it is quite obvious where we are going and what is going to happen here. Every super rich club in history, from Blackburn, to Chelsea to any others with a massive cash advantage has done it. Were their Chief Execs at the time Jesus reincarnated?

I don't know. Perhaps Cook is so skilled that he has persuaded players who would never have come here without his presence. Maybe he hasn't. My point is that I don't know. And not many do, I imagine. I would take a guess though that with a different Chief Exec we still might have managed to attract some good players (maybe ones who weren't as good, maybe ones who were better - again, I don't know). Cos that is how it has always been in football.

The comparison with QPR is a bit of a redundant one, given their relative wealth, there awful starting point and the fact that their transfer budget has, despite the popular image, been nothing special at all.

I don't understand what you are saying regarding a comparison with Hughes being on camara. The Risdale comparison was not even mine. I was just quoting it. I can however see where it has come from and you must know that most fans of other clubs have certain cliched images of Chief Execs/chairmen of other clubs. And therefore you must know, and it is probably totally unjustified, that the ignorant, uninformed view of Cook amongst average football fans who aren't City fans is almost wholly formed from the 'Bottled it' quote and the subsequent press coverage. FFS, even Garry himself has said he views that as a big mistake now.

The ONLY point I am making is that the vast majority of praise for Cook on here comes via things like 'he says the right thing', the new website and the new kit. Those are minor issues in determining whether a Chief Exec is good at his job. Look at Kenyon. His public reputation is awful. Many Chelsea fans seem to has a disliek of him. Yet he has been sought after by two of the most successful teams in the world over the past 10 years. That isn't because he is a slick PR man. It's because of the real job that he does. The unseen job, internally, within the club.

I'll repeat again. I am not saying that Garry Cook is not very, very good at his job. I feel I need to put that in bold for the hard of thinking who mistake any questioning of an opinion for an attack on them and their family. I am saying that most people who post on here do so from a completely uninformed point of view and their opinion that he is 'brilliant' 'a legend' etc, etc is based on things that are not, comparitively, important when determining the qualities of a Chief Exec.

We are all (or at least me and most others) ignorant to the real job that Garry Cook does but it is a lot harder than producing a nice kit, getting some IT people to make a new website, having a drink with some fans, being a nice bloke and saying the right things to newspapers.

And to base an opinion as to whether he is good at his job or not on those sort of things is actually doing him a massive diservice.

I would reply to the person above you who seems to be frothing at the mouth but I don't think there's a conversation to be had there. He is obviously from the "You Rag, I'm a bigger fan than you, everything at City is the best ever and you had better say so" camp.

Or, perhaps he has specific, internal knowledge of the day to day, internal structure of the club and would care to present them in a little more coherant manner than his first effort and I have misread him.

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