Copenhagen weather update

gman07 said:
Biggsy1 said:
My waterproof walking boots have now been packed!

Now where did I put those long johns!
when are you arriving? Wednesday?

Me and Dallas arrive about 5pm on Wednesday, Paddystyle arrives at lunchtime, try and keep him off the whiskey at least until we arrive. he'll be hard enough to understand sober nevermind after a few drams of gods water! ;)
Biggsy1 said:
gman07 said:
when are you arriving? Wednesday?

Me and Dallas arrive about 5pm on Wednesday, Paddystyle arrives at lunchtime, try and keep him off the whiskey at least until we arrive. he'll be hard enough to understand sober nevermind after a few drams of gods water! ;)
bahahaha!!! Well im working wednesday but will arrive thursday... at lunchtime... where to meet up??
there aint any chance game will get called off is there? I understand they will have undersoil heating but im thinking health and safety on the terraces if its -7 ??
Biggsy1 said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Without doubt, the most helpful opposition fan I have ever come across.

Closet City fan is my bet!

Hope to actually meet the lad for a beer!

Jesper you joining us at any time?

Actually i'm a spurs fan. My great grandfather was in the English navy and was torpedoed in both ww1 and 2. He was sationed in London as far as i know and became a spurs fan. It's stayed in the family since then. I have no idea whether the torpedoes have anything to do with him chosing spurs, but given their last few seasons my guess is yes!

Sure, it'll be a pleasure to join you lads for a pint. I know a few mancs coming over as well. just let me know where you going on wednesday or thursday afternoon or evening and what time and i might join you...

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