Worth thinking about how quickly things could change.
There's some evidence that this strain is now a significant proportion of the total caseload. Let's say for arguments sake 30%, 700 or so.
It's been doubling as fast as weekly under current restrictions, and these restrictions relax next week.
*if* (huge if) that doubling rate continues, rather than getting worse, we'll have over 10k daily cases in a month.
But in the meantime, something like a million or so people a week are currently becoming immune through vaccination. 4 million more in that month.
Is that enough to stop an increase of that sort? Probably not, with maybe 30 million currently unvaccinated. But maybe not far off. If we did double that it would make a huge difference.
Let the May relaxation continue. Throw caution to the wind, vaccinate like hell for the next month with every last dose in the fridges and don't worry if we then can't follow up with exact timelines on 2nd doses. All the evidence is that delaying 2nd doses does no harm, and even improves efficacy.