How do you know he didnt care about passing the viral load to others. Do you care about transmitting it to others?
So you admit you are capable of tramsmission albeit at a lower rate. On that basis what are you or your family personaly doing to stop the spread of infection to others?
Do you attend large gatherings?
Do you attend public houses?
Do you go on Holiday?
If you do any of the above what are your concerns for the collateral damage you may cause during your self imposed ablutions.
A good friend of mine has just gone to Zante off forum. If he goes on to infect a poverty stricken elderly Greek lady that has to work behind the bar to make ends meet and than kills her, will he then be as bad as the non vaccinated person. Will he too have been selfish and should the old bar lady have deserved to die just to satiate his will to travel.
Like I said so many hypocrytes during the pandemic who are quick too point the finger of blame at others. I thought it was all about working together and not abusing the dead!
By all means travel
By all means go to games and concerts
By all means go to pubs and clubs
But do not then have the audacity to point a finger of blame or abuse people who have died during this dreadful pandemic for non vacination.
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