Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Western Easter is the middle of April and Omicron travels at the speed of Jeff Bezos rather than Phileas Fogg. If it is indeed more virulent, then many of us will no longer be around when they do get their results (even with restrictions). :-(

Sure. But all of bluemoon must agree, because they're a South African expert, right?
Does anyone know how they asess severity of a new variant? is it only by comparing people who have had no previous infections or jabs, or had 1 strain, Delta and Omicron? jabs and no infections? or just it all possibilities together? seems like there would be so many variables to untangle.

This is exactly why virtually no-one reputable thinks strong conclusions can be drawn from SA.
In serious vein, science progresses by scientists having different opinions, then testing those against data.

Bluemoon, on the other hand, progresses by having an opinion, then entrenching it regardless of the data.

In the early stages of anything new, scientists and experts will have different opinions. A good way to judge whether they're reliable is if they acknowledge the uncertainty and refer to other possibilities.

You'll note since the first emergence of omicron, there are posters here who:
- assert their opinion as fact
- never offer a reference or link to the facts they claim
- insult and dismiss world experts.

Anyone who does any of this should be treated with extreme scepticism IMO

there are those who are optimistic and race to find things on Twitter that reinforce their view and post here

equally there are the more pessimistic posters who have a view and find things on Twitter to reinforce their view.

it was the same with brexit .
Their is No conclusive data either way so it is right to err on the side of caution. All i am saying is don't listen to people on an internet forum over the experts . I'm immune compromised, believe me i want it to be weaker. I want a weaker strain to eradicate all other variants and covid becomes nothing more than other seasonal virus' and when the experts say that then i will believe it. Not Walter Mitty's on the internet.
Of course it’s still early days but the experts are saying the data looks positive so far and there hasn’t been a huge nationwide increase in hospitalisations or deaths… so why the fuck should we ruin lives by locking down?
Of course it’s still early days but the experts are saying the data looks positive so far and there hasn’t been a huge nationwide increase in hospitalisations or deaths… so why the fuck should we ruin lives by locking down?
Not sure he’s advocating a lockdown.

Anyone who suggests that we need to be cautious whilst the data is collated and analysed is accused of wanting a lockdown though.
Of course it’s still early days but the experts are saying the data looks positive so far and there hasn’t been a huge nationwide increase in hospitalisations or deaths… so why the fuck should we ruin lives by locking down?
We haven't.
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