Well-Known Member
All this talk of getting Football back on the Television by Liverpool/SKY sycophants in MSM.
Even one, or two, of our own fans think it is the right time to start easing the lock down.
Seriously disturbing.
Do they realize,or even care, that this Virus is actually a Bio-Weapon.It has been described as being like an airborne AIDS virus.It is still mutating in to different strains of the virus.Nobody has of yet been fully cured of this virus,some that appeared to have recovered have later died.You become infected it is yours for good,until it decides if it wants to kill you later,or not.
Nobody knows what the long term implications are for those that have been infected.Will they need a life time of treatment for Liver/Kidney problems.and other long term ailments caused from being infected.
Also if this pandemic follows a similar trajectory to the Spanish Flu of 1918,we can expect waves of this virus as it mutates and spreads.
For those that dont know the second wave of the Spanish Flu in October 1918 was the most deadly.
But here we are in an alternate reality,with a fucking Bio-weapon still on the loose killing people,with no vaccine,discussing bringing back a game of Football no one other than Liverpool fans and Sky TV want to see back yet.
You dont want to believe everything Donald says really mate.
We are a bit better at these things than we were in 1918 i agree this is a very bad virus but I think you are a tad OTT.