The NHS needs testing kits, the key workers need testing kits - what do the public think is actually happening when the cash-rich Premier League are trying to procure them just to get football on again?
Our NHS have it hard enough battling with other countries for what limited supply chain is already out there - without companies gouging prices.
We also saw it this week with the governor of California paying £1bn for PPE from China - he has basically told the rest of the US it is none of their business what they paid.
My dad is 67 and has COPD - this week I tried to get him a test online because he had a sore throat and some other minor symptoms.
Guess what? A text back to say there was no tests available right now in the area and no kits that can be sent out.
Yet the Premier League and the TV companies have enough cash at hand to ensure wealthy, supremely fit athletes such as Raheem and Pogba can get tested twice a week.
Not to mention, the kit man, the security guards, the massuse, the groundsmen.
Those people aren't to be blamed, they are wrongly being painted as the bad guys. - It is the Premier League, BT and Sky who should be fucking ashamed.