I am trying to understand that but nobody made him have hookers round,if all this has followed the fall out from that then tough shit,did it not occur to him that the media would follow him to see if he did something else,what they are doing out following people is another matter
Everyone away from their families is having a hard time,he has a whole host of single mates he could have moved in before lockdown to keep him company,i am not sure bleating to Twitter is going to get him off the hook,if he stuck to the rules then his family wouldn't be brought into it
saying the focus is on covid but what about my feeling,,facepalm
If he is having mental health problems and let's face it that will be affecting a lot of people and be a real problem going forward then I have a lot of sympathy for that,the players have people looking after there mental health and we have every bit of technology in the world now,you can spend all day on face time ime and all the ways,you can eat together on it,talk all day,it is not the same as a hug but whilst people are dying alone the rest of us have to suck that up however hard it is
This situation is horrible but it is not just protecting yourself,we have a responsibility to protect each othet