COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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0.2% of people under 50 that have been confirmed to have it have died. If you take into about the thousands that have had it and not reported it, it's even less.

Don't believe the hype.
Oh that’s alright then. Except it’s not fucking alright is it. It kills around 2-4% of those it infects. That fact that my odds are 100 times better than my mother’s is of very little comfort.

There’s no hype. If anything, the very opposite is true.

You want to know the death rate for under 50’s of flu? It’s an order magnitude less than 0.1% (which is the death rate overall for flu).

Whichever way you try and spin this, it’s serious. It’s not flu. It’s not even in the same ball park of flu. And as you didn’t bother to read the link I posted, do us the favour of atleast hiding your google search where you desperately try and find an article (written by Ross Fucking Clark) to support your erroneous view. You’d have been as well citing Trump calling it a hoax for the veracity the rest of us will put to that article.
TBH im very surprised the numer in this countr

i do agree with this the media are certainly ramping it up however its a little more complicated than flue, ive followed Dr Campbells videos from the begining

you cant disguise the flu figures and you are correct that many lives are lost, i caught the end of an interview today and some guy was saying when this is in peak there will be 3 deaths on the average sized street in the UK,now we dont know if thats bullshit or fact but lets sugest the homework has been done and it turns out correct,when was the last time you heard of anyone dying of flue in your street,certainly yes its being ramped up by the media but im not 100% sure Borris and Co are being completely honest, lol, maybe ive been part brainwashed by the media but i do think there is something a little more sinister with this and its not being released

If you look at the start of December in the UK there was a high spike in people with flu. What's to say this wasn't the virus? First cases we know about in China were in December, do people really think that 3 months in after the busiest travelling period of the year we will only have 50 cases? Is likely to have been in the UK for months and we didn't even know.
Oh that’s alright then. Except it’s not fucking alright is it. It kills around 2-4% of those it infects. That fact that my odds are 100 times better than my mother’s is of very little comfort.

There’s no hype. If anything, the very opposite is true.

You want to know the death rate for under 50’s of flu? It’s an order magnitude less than 0.1% (which is the death rate overall for flu).

Whichever way you try and spin this, it’s serious. It’s not flu. It’s not even in the same ball park of flu. And as you didn’t bother to read the link I posted, do ya the favour of atleast hiding your google search where you desperately try and find an article (written by Ross Fucking Clark) to support your erroneous view. You’d have been as well citing Trump calling it a hoax for the veracity the rest of us will put to that article.
good post matey
What's to say this wasn't the virus?
Antibodies and the blood tests that are taken when you have the fucking flu. I know, I’ve had flu. I was in hospital for a week. That’s flu. That’s not a cold. That’s what happens.

And this isn’t the flu. It’s not even in the flu family. It’s a corona virus. You sound like Trump in his recorded meeting with pharmaceutical CEO’s yesterday where he kept asking infantile questions.
That's exactly what it is

Best get back online to stockpile alcohol hand cleaner and tins mate doomsday is coming.....

If you look at the start of December in the UK there was a high spike in people with flu. What's to say this wasn't the virus? First cases we know about in China were in December, do people really think that 3 months in after the busiest travelling period of the year we will only have 50 cases? Is likely to have been in the UK for months and we didn't even know.
If you are merely here to WUM and post unsubstantiated, talkSport-level nonsense you’ll be given some time off to do some proper research.
If you look at the start of December in the UK there was a high spike in people with flu. What's to say this wasn't the virus? First cases we know about in China were in December, do people really think that 3 months in after the busiest travelling period of the year we will only have 50 cases? Is likely to have been in the UK for months and we didn't even know.
im very surprised like you say 50 cases is very low, i do think its rife in this country and TBH i wasnt good last week with hot flushes and flue like symptoms.''i could have had it and passed it on un noticed'' we will find out soon enough,but at the moment its like watching a train crash in slow motion
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