COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Strange isn't the word. Absolutely crazy to let that happen and completely undermines the lockdown and ban on mass gatherings whilst enabling the widespread transmission of the virus to the UK. That decision is straight from the 'herd immunity' strategy.
So when that strategy has been abandoned why still allow it? Are you saying it's being allowed in practice in some areas. I have never quite understood why construction, the industry I work in was allowed to carry on but so many others was shut down.
I think hospital deaths is set for a reduction steeper than 20% this week which is good news. On the same trajectory as the reduction from a couple of weeks ago, we should have expected around 540 deaths on average in hospital this week but it looks like it'll be lower than that now.
That is great news. Fingers crossed.
This question has been asked and answered by the scientists every day for two weeks. We can’t stop the virus getting here because it’s already here, the numbers involved are statistically irrelevant, the people arriving here are going straight into lockdown, and this policy will be changed when we come out of lockdown.

It's far less important to ban the flights now that the virus is already here (that action should have been taken months ago like most other countries) but nevertheless, we're still one of the only countries in the world allowing non-screened flights into the UK. It would be 'statistically irrelevant' for me to have a gathering with 300 people, it doesn't mean it's not an opportunity for the virus to spread widely nor does it mean that it doesn't completely undermine the lockdown. Even Momentum (!) are calling for stricter borders!

It's far less important to ban the flights now that the virus is already here (that action should have been taken months ago like most other countries) but nevertheless, we're still one of the only countries in the world allowing non-screened flights into the UK. It would be 'statistically irrelevant' for me to have a gathering with 300 people, it doesn't mean it's not an opportunity for the virus to spread widely nor does it mean that it doesn't completely undermine the lockdown. Even Momentum (!) are calling for stricter borders!

it’s an utter disgrace an absolute fucking disgrace with no excuse whatsoever
Barcelona promenade looking busy on first day of restrictions easing. How long till you look at a photo like this and not think of the potential transmission of a virus?

I know measures have to eased at some point but it’s going to be hard to get used to again..

Tbf there might be good social distancing going on and it’s just the camera.

After seeing more photos I don’t think they can all be 2 or even 1 metre apart!

Strange that they’ve implemented the most draconian lockdown globally and yet when you look at that photo I would say that less than 10% of the people in it are wearing face masks. So hard for the general population to process these mixed messages.
It should really be easier for the UK as we have significant levels of immunity now in our cities which means the virus's rate of reproduction is automatically much reduced.

We have absolutely no way of knowing yet if we have 'significant levels of immunity', what are you basing that on?
The naga woman on bbc ( who I like) tried to be a smart arse with the professor of testing this morning saying did we really hit the 100,000 tests if you count tests sent out .

he very calmly replied

well that’s how we count the number of tests , but if you want to count it another way we could instead of counting the tests we sent out on the 30th, we could count the tests we had back from tests Sent out on previous days and returned and tested on 30th and we could count these is you like , either way it’s over 100,000.
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