It really is. Many (clearly) are under the impression it's both 'on the wane' and isn't actually that serious of a virus for the majority. Both partly true for perhaps not for the reasons many think. People just want this over and consigned to an 'awful fucking year'. But when you read the top scientist in this field not really sure which way it's going to head (and armchair scientists absolute in their belief there will be no second wave) it's quite frustrating.
So my opinion and most people I know if pretty worthless really. At the same time it's quite clear we're going to have to open up but with huge barriers in place until certainty over all this is definitive (post vaccine?).
Is that 'will covid19 change the world' thread still open? Wonder if viewpoints are different at this stage. I think most of us will all have 'lived through this' and hardened us all a little (which should normally deliver empathy).
In saying all that, it's incredibly important to remain positive otherwise we sink.