I am saying what actually happens is they discuss things in great detail and the govt decides on the final action so the chief medical officer may think stronger action should be taken but they have to speak with one voice. Give me a single reason outside of economics why all sports and social gatherings shouldn’t be stopped and how this would lead to more deaths?
Deputy Chief Medical Officer...
"In this country we have expert modellers looking at what we think will happen with the virus.
We've looked at what sorts of interventions might help manage this as we go forward and push the peak of the epidemic forward.
And in general, those sorts of events and big gatherings are not seen to be something which is going to have a big effect. So we don't want to disrupt people's lives.
So as a professional, I am absolutely delighted that we are following the science and the evidence. There are other things that we can do in this country and the timing of that is really important.
We need to get the timing, firstly on helping to stop the spread to continue to contain the virus as much as we can.
We have got very clear advice about when we should intervene and that's exactly what I think we should do"
Now, you may call me weird but I think I'd rather listen to people like this than other football fans.