COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Doesn't this sound like what happened in Italy? They gave out advice to stop going out, everyone said 'Vaffanculo' to the politicians and 'Salut!' to the bartender, and it took two weeks before carnage hit before they listened and all wish they'd stay'd home to begin with? Paris was supposed to be shut yesterday but it was heaving in places because THEY didn't give a fuck. Are they scared to enforce bans because people resent being told what to do? Are they ideologically unable to come to terms with government intervention, does it all feel better if they do as little as possible? Or do they genuinely believe you just cannot tell Western Europeans what to do, they need thousands of people to actually die before they can adjust to the reality that someone has shut the fucking pub because it's not safe?
So many people have confusion about whether to isolate or not, or how long to isolate for. This is why the government need to take the bull by the horns and tell people exactly what they have to do. It's ok advising people, but people just carry on regardless. We need a clear directive. Instead of recommending public places shut, we need to lock down.
I think the key to this is understanding how many have it and are not showing major symptoms.

I heard of another mate who has gone down with it today and everywhere I turn someone is coughing.

Getting the tests out to check on people who have had it and have built up immunity is key.
Think we're gonna be coming home Saturday mate I'm dreading it I know I will get this stay safe coz you fucking make me laugh.
I am finding it really interesting to look at data on the countries who are past the worst, such as China and South Korea. This is a fantastic resource for doing this:
If you click on individual countries you get a further breakdown. The "Daily new case graph" is interesting.

Here's a thing with China: it has a population of 1.435 billion and 99.994% of the population didn't get the virus. The % of the population who didn't die of it, is even higher.
So what is the actual state of play with isolating now, from what I understand if you display symptoms you isolate for 7 days but now I’m hearing if you do your whole family has to isolate for 14!! So is it 7 or 14. I’m confused as fuck.

yeah confusing, I saw @WestGorton post on a reply that he was waiting for this Friday to come out of self isolation from a cough that started last Friday, but not sure if he has seen that update from today that it should be now 14 days which it was initially
You're basically just a glorified childcare right now for workers who would have to stop working if the schools closed.

Nor to trivialise that by the way - its keeping the economy and NHS going.

I get that and understand it. Issue is that it won’t be long before teachers start catching it and then what happens?

We’ve been asked about volunteering to come in if we do close to look after NHS workers kids. I’d be happy to do that.
I think anyone who claims it's just flu (in an least vulnerable groups) should be enrolled into "national Covid service" and used for free as test guinea pigs for new vaccines, rounded up and kept quarantined.

Then they'll see if it's "just flu".
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