Craig Bellemy - Stop calling him Bellend!!!

paddystyle said:
your right from now on i'll be calling him,craigy baby pumpkin

No thats far to complicated :0, it will never catch on..
Chid said:
FFS - He is now a City player can we please stop calling him. OK if he turns out as shit as JO then I can understand, but I for one believe he wiil be twice the player Jo is. he is a blue now, if we have in the past cheered for the likes of Barton, Samaras surely we can give Bellamy a chance.

Come on fellow blues remember were we have come from and remember who we are!!

Stop being a Bellend!

Sorry couldn't resist, I agree hes a blue lets get behind him!
Chid said:
FFS - He is now a City player can we please stop calling him. OK if he turns out as shit as JO then I can understand, but I for one believe he wiil be twice the player Jo is. he is a blue now, if we have in the past cheered for the likes of Barton, Samaras surely we can give Bellamy a chance.

Come on fellow blues remember were we have come from and remember who we are!!
i vote the name stays, he,s the only player on the team with a stand named after him. pmsl
blusmiff said:
Chid said:
FFS - He is now a City player can we please stop calling him. OK if he turns out as shit as JO then I can understand, but I for one believe he wiil be twice the player Jo is. he is a blue now, if we have in the past cheered for the likes of Barton, Samaras surely we can give Bellamy a chance.

Come on fellow blues remember were we have come from and remember who we are!!
i vote the name stays, he,s the only player on the team with a stand named after him. pmsl

stu9488 said:
blusmiff said:
Chid said:
FFS - He is now a City player can we please stop calling him. OK if he turns out as shit as JO then I can understand, but I for one believe he wiil be twice the player Jo is. he is a blue now, if we have in the past cheered for the likes of Barton, Samaras surely we can give Bellamy a chance.

Come on fellow blues remember were we have come from and remember who we are!!
i vote the name stays, he,s the only player on the team with a stand named after him. pmsl

and they say there are no benefits from cannabis, or summat like that . ;-)
Ricster said:
Chid said:
FFS - He is now a City player can we please stop calling him. OK if he turns out as shit as JO then I can understand, but I for one believe he wiil be twice the player Jo is. he is a blue now, if we have in the past cheered for the likes of Barton, Samaras surely we can give Bellamy a chance.

Come on fellow blues remember were we have come from and remember who we are!!

In 1 hand you ask for the criticism to stop on 1 player of City, yet you have a dig at another, who hasn't been given a chance to get used to Prem football.

Contradiction at its highest!

But one has had a chance to prove himself on a number of occasions (jo). The other has not even kicked a ball yet and is still being called left right and centre.

All I am saying is give the man a chance. Jo has had his chance and failed miserably!!
I agree with this he's now a blue. Anyone on here prepared to own up for giving the Goat a load of stick when he first signed or TC for replacing fans favourite Andy Dibble in goal. Lets just give the lad our support and hopefully he'll do the business for us where it matters which is on the pitch.

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