Crazy Evertonian blogger strikes again!


Well-Known Member
23 Dec 2008
Washington, D.C.
I must say that this guy s quite amusing. I have even started to enjoy reading his posts, they make me feel less conspiratorial (is that a word?).


oh, and to set the mood.

Moyes-Doctrine: Man City's destabilising media tactics should be answered with Everton signings
By Mark Reid on Aug 16, 09 05:00 PM in Fans

After another hard summer in the city, Everton faced an inform and firing Arsenal yesterday with everything going against Everton in a true show of Murphy's Law - where anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Certain Everton players going missing, no tackles coming in to stop Arsenal's runs and free kicks for blatant dives by Sagner and Bendtner, coupled with terrible marking by Everton's defenders led to a day to test the hardest Evertonians.

Moyes said a week ago we weren't ready. He didn't lie or misdirect. He's signed 5 younger players this summer but not been able to get the players he wants/needs.

Along with this is the campaign waged by "big club" Manchester City and the complete classless arrogance of Mark Hughes at the behest of his puppet masters - to prise away a player by tapping him up and then claiming Everton released the information. How that could happen when Sky Sports News were reporting "imminent" bids from them at every turn - shows how deluded and ridiculous that circus are. Moyes has stood his ground and told it like it is - Manchester City are a disgusting football club. Nothing but a mob with no morals and a defunct manager who's pretense at falling flat on his face was a laughable as his claim/implication that he is at a bigger club than Everton.


Where you at a bigger club than Everton when we paid your wages Sparky? No. You're believing your own hype and messing with the wrong club.

Everton took one on the chin yesterday. Knocked to the floor. Taking a 6 count...

Why is all this happening?

Everton have gone from a relegation fighting club in decline prior to Moyes - to a club that is nearly in the Champions League, all on the lowest budget around. We've done so with dignity also.

With the players Moyes has turned from good players to great players envious eyes from lesser (albeit) ambitious clubs - was inevitable.

Mark Hughes continues to try and press Everton's buttons. He's tried to publicly undermine David Moyes by calling into question if he calls the shots at Everton FC. He's tried to turn Evertonian against Evertonian, to get his stated goal - on his terms.

He's tried to publicly mock Everton Football Club.

Everton went from a tight position to that between a rock and a hardplace.

The reply in the media has been made - and still Mark Hughes comes out with his classless statements seeming to not understand that NO means NO.

Everton's reply should be for the Board to provide the funds to get the signings in - as actions speak louder than words. To give Moyes the funds to reenforce - so that players not performing are out the team. We have youngsters and potential players but Moyes is obviously unwilling to try them in his judgement. He therefore NEEDS 21-24 year old experienced reenforcements.

That will be the best reply to Manchester City's tactics and misinformation.

Everton need to get two players in this week. To settle the club. To refocus on the building efforts of Moyes and to fight off the impression Mark Hughes has tried to portray - a negative image - of Everton Football Club being the parasite he and his club are.

If the Everton Board read this - they need to dig deep to protect their Everton investment. To give Moyes the money to spend will ensure that the value of their investment is maintained (and grows). Moyes is a sure thing. His 7 years at Everton have shown this.

Personally I'd put my life, house and kids in Moyes hands. IN MOYES WE TRUST.

It's time that we answered Manchester City's tactics by showing just how Everton can attract quality names. Names that David Moyes has wanted in his team and that can grow with us.

Let not a classless morally defunct club ruin 7 years of growth. Let's show them Everton FC's true qualities. We've won the league 9 times and have a history they can't compare with.

They caused this bad atmosphere in our football. Its time Everton made the step to finish it and put them back in their place.

In Moyes We Trust

Internet bill - $65 a month
Cost of time on web reading City associated information - $150
Finding an idiot who is funny in his delusion - PRICELESS!
You have heard the phrase being a BITTER BLUE...thats this CNUT in a nutshell,the soft sod,bout time he moved on,he been at it ALL weekend,FFS
Ha, Everton's board can't give Gollum any more because they ain't feckin got any. Of course, they could generate £20M by selling us Lescott and buying three decent players. I like how that blogger failed to mention that the classless, parastic club have loaned his mob a Brazilian striker - I still say we should recall Jo immediately and tell Everton to swivel now on the Lescott deal.
Lad needs a dictionary. Reading a book or two might help him as well.

Metaphorical nails down a blackboard. My eyes are bleeding.
When/If the Everton board give Mr Moyes the money to buy a couple of players, I hope he doesn't disrupt the other teams season by buying their players. I am sure he will wait until the begining of the next transfer window.
Maybe we should adopt Moyes Policy of poaching 16yr olds from clubs 2 divisions below us.

We approached the people who make the financial decisons at EFC which is normal do not ring up an old mate and say can we buy your centre half.

For EFC fans to call us as a club classless is in unbelievable.

When /if Moyles tries to buy for instance Shawcross form Stoke should Pullis come out andcall him disrepectful/disgraceful?

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