Cressida Dick resigns

Nail - head

Have the people involved even been suspended (police and school staff)? Having now read the horrific details of this incident I can see absolutely no mitigating circumstances for the action taken; someone has to face some form of criminal charges otherwise we are saying that we live in a country where implicit state sanctioned sexual assault of it citizens is acceptable. It beggars belief.
Have the people involved even been suspended (police and school staff)? Having now read the horrific details of this incident I can see absolutely no mitigating circumstances for the action taken; someone has to face some form of criminal charges otherwise we are saying that we live in a country where implicit state sanctioned sexual assault of it citizens is acceptable. It beggars belief.

do you know i still haven't read the whole thing - I have seen the JOB comment and anger and some of the news stories around it but I can't get through the whole report -its so gut churningly vile.

If somebody is in the Commons, in a City Bank or in solicitors office and thought they could smell weed on some one there would the Police attend if called and would they subject an adult to an impromptu strip search?
do you know i still haven't read the whole thing - I have seen the JOB comment and anger and some of the news stories around it but I can't get through the whole report -its so gut churningly vile.

If somebody is in the Commons, in a City Bank or in solicitors office and thought they could smell weed on some one there would the Police attend if called and would they subject an adult to an impromptu strip search?

Tbh I wish I hadn't read it, cannot get my head around what that poor child was subjected to. As you say, when you put it into any other context it sounds insane. That it took place in school with a child is too repulsive for words.
Tbh I wish I hadn't read it, cannot get my head around what that poor child was subjected to. As you say, when you put it into any other context it sounds insane. That it took place in school with a child is too repulsive for words.

some good news - civil actions against the Police and the school have begun

some good news - civil actions against the Police and the school have begun

That is a start and hopefully there is sufficient outrage that the family will have access to all the resources they need. At least the family and the young girl herself are aware of the widespread support they have.

I assume the IPCC will soon be involved if they are not already. What happened was unlawful so there could/should be criminal consequences there too.
They have been a fucking shambles. Dick kept assuring people that she was making changes for the better - nothing from recent years suggests any progress indeed they are regressing in recruitment. training and monitoring. The ACC who said she should be reinstated should be out of the running to replace her and t5he former Met Senior Officers and politicians and commentators who blamed Sadiq Khan for political grandstanding need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves was this a well led Police Force?

ipcc, independent my arse, this is NOT a one-off, the met have been given
carte blanche going back years and years, including the most serious of crimes.
They are starting to make West Mids look like saints in comparison.

As long as they are useful tools to the state the Dalek home secretary will say the right words and happily be complicate in their corrupt actions.
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