Of course councils are incredibly stretched, not least due to the ever spiralling social care costs as we get older and require more looking after.
Which is why it is so ****ing infuriating to see the sort of utter, utter bollocks which the average council still persists with. As a prime example the Winterbourne - Highway drainage improvement works, in my own area. Millions of pounds being almost literally pissed down the drain on something NOBODY wants. The justification is "The road floods on a regular basis causing traffic disruption, damage to properties and to the highway." Well I've lived here for 16+ years and travelled down the road concerned, regularly since 1982. As far as I am aware, it has NEVER flooded.
Or the guys with chainsaws that came in and cut down a load of trees (with protection orders on them I might fucking add) opposite my house, when NO-ONE asked them to, because "the council has asked us to clear it in case they need to do any drainage work at some point in the future".
The problem here is that councils are incapable of doing nothing and spending nothing. It's like that Polish glass manufacturer churning out glasses that nobody wants, with years of inventory piling up because "that's what we do". Until John Harvey Jones goes in and says turn the fucking thing off, go home, stop making glasses.
The same needs to happen with our councils: You are under severe financial pressure: Stop spending money on utter bollocks that no-one has asked for. Stop now. Go home.
When budgets were not so stretched, we tolerated shite like this. But to have our rates increased by the absolute maximum, whilst they bleat about not being able to make ends meet, and at the same time, continue to waste millions on utter bollocks? It does my head in.