Cup Scheme - How does it work


Well-Known Member
23 Dec 2008
Probably grafting, and moaning about refs!
Im a season ticket holder but never actually been on the cup scheme. Can someone briefly explain how it works? Do you automatically get tickets for each cup game on the scheme you have applied for. Does it cost you to actually go on the scheme or is it just for each ticket?

Any help appreciated.
Not on the cup schemes myself but as far as I know:
- Free to join but you earn 100 ticket points for joining (or 200 if you're platinum) and then 10 per game you attend
- Secures your season ticket's seat for home cup games while taking a direct debit payment
- Gives you priority for purchasing away cup tickets over non cup scheme ST holders
also for Bayern & Madrid games you save £5 off the normal priced ticket, I remember them capping it at no more than £15 a ticket for FA Cup games before QF back in 2012 then we drew United at home so they had to honour £15 to all on cup scheme but was £40 for everyone else

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