Cyclists on the East Lancs

cantona01 said:
As well as being A 'RAG' I am also a cyclist (you guys will love me!)

Nothing worse than riding on a dual carriageway on a bike though - people dont leave you room as there is generally a car next to them so they cant. The only time i will go on the East lancs if is I can see it is crawling. I get on at pendlebury so it isnt too much of a detour to go another way.

Benefit of cycling No. 4
*Women love big thighs
Fuckin ell round it off and tell us you have ginger hair
About time the police cracked down on all those Lycra clad idiots who seem to think that the highway code doesn't apply to them. Sick of them jumping red lights and driving on the pavement.
The motorists who seem to get annoyed with me while I'm on my bike are mainly fat, red faced middle aged blokes, often driving 4x4s which have never seen a speck of mud, sometimes with really silly names like Warrior.

Why they think they I need to know they are annoyed with me I don't know. That Noddy style tooting of the horn is unnecessary. If they left the table a bit earlier instead of stuffing their faces with too much food then perhaps they wouldn't be so fat and angry, or need to worry about the second or two that they imagine are delayed by cyclists.

Perhaps they are in a hurry to get to the next drive-thru Pizza Hut or KFC to stuff their faces so that their jeans (which they shouldn't be wearing anyway because they are for thin and/or young people, not fatties) get that bit more uncomfortable.
urmston said:
The motorists who seem to get annoyed with me while I'm on my bike are mainly fat, red faced middle aged blokes, often driving 4x4s which have never seen a speck of mud, sometimes with really silly names like Warrior.

Why they think they I need to know they are annoyed with me I don't know. That Noddy style tooting of the horn is unnecessary. If they left the table a bit earlier instead of stuffing their faces with too much food then perhaps they wouldn't be so fat and angry, or need to worry about the second or two that they imagine are delayed by cyclists.

Perhaps they are in a hurry to get to the next drive-thru Pizza Hut or KFC to stuff their faces so that their jeans (which they shouldn't be wearing anyway because they are for thin and/or young people, not fatties) get that bit more uncomfortable.

Not being able to afford a car really pisses you off doesn't it.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
urmston said:
The motorists who seem to get annoyed with me while I'm on my bike are mainly fat, red faced middle aged blokes, often driving 4x4s which have never seen a speck of mud, sometimes with really silly names like Warrior.

Why they think they I need to know they are annoyed with me I don't know. That Noddy style tooting of the horn is unnecessary. If they left the table a bit earlier instead of stuffing their faces with too much food then perhaps they wouldn't be so fat and angry, or need to worry about the second or two that they imagine are delayed by cyclists.

Perhaps they are in a hurry to get to the next drive-thru Pizza Hut or KFC to stuff their faces so that their jeans (which they shouldn't be wearing anyway because they are for thin and/or young people, not fatties) get that bit more uncomfortable.

Not being able to afford a car really pisses you off doesn't it.

Not really. I've got one, and could afford to buy 6 more like it brand new without borrowing a penny.

I drive about 6000 miles per year, and cycle about the same. Cyclists never annoy me when I'm driving. They might delay me by the odd second or two now and again, but I'm delayed by other motorists much more often and for much longer.

Only a minority of motorists seem to resent cyclists. I reckon they are just taking out their frustration on cyclists - they buy themselves a nice shiny car perhaps with a silly name, bore everyone to death with how nice the seats are and how fast it can go, vacuum clean it and wash it every Sunday, and it still takes ages to get anywhere in the thing and there's nowhere to park it when you get there.
urmston said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
urmston said:
The motorists who seem to get annoyed with me while I'm on my bike are mainly fat, red faced middle aged blokes, often driving 4x4s which have never seen a speck of mud, sometimes with really silly names like Warrior.

Why they think they I need to know they are annoyed with me I don't know. That Noddy style tooting of the horn is unnecessary. If they left the table a bit earlier instead of stuffing their faces with too much food then perhaps they wouldn't be so fat and angry, or need to worry about the second or two that they imagine are delayed by cyclists.

Perhaps they are in a hurry to get to the next drive-thru Pizza Hut or KFC to stuff their faces so that their jeans (which they shouldn't be wearing anyway because they are for thin and/or young people, not fatties) get that bit more uncomfortable.

Not being able to afford a car really pisses you off doesn't it.

Not really. I've got one, and could afford to buy 6 more like it brand new without borrowing a penny.

I drive about 6000 miles per year, and cycle about the same. Cyclists never annoy me when I'm driving. They might delay me by the odd second or two now and again, but I'm delayed by other motorists much more often and for much longer.

Only a minority of motorists seem to resent cyclists. I reckon they are just taking out their frustration on cyclists - they buy themselves a nice shiny car perhaps with a silly name, bore everyone to death with how nice the seats are and how fast it can go, vacuum clean it and wash it every Sunday, and it still takes ages to get anywhere in the thing and there's nowhere to park it when you get there.

Too true.
urmston said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
urmston said:
The motorists who seem to get annoyed with me while I'm on my bike are mainly fat, red faced middle aged blokes, often driving 4x4s which have never seen a speck of mud, sometimes with really silly names like Warrior.

Why they think they I need to know they are annoyed with me I don't know. That Noddy style tooting of the horn is unnecessary. If they left the table a bit earlier instead of stuffing their faces with too much food then perhaps they wouldn't be so fat and angry, or need to worry about the second or two that they imagine are delayed by cyclists.

Perhaps they are in a hurry to get to the next drive-thru Pizza Hut or KFC to stuff their faces so that their jeans (which they shouldn't be wearing anyway because they are for thin and/or young people, not fatties) get that bit more uncomfortable.

Not being able to afford a car really pisses you off doesn't it.

Not really. I've got one, and could afford to buy 6 more like it brand new without borrowing a penny.

I drive about 6000 miles per year, and cycle about the same. Cyclists never annoy me when I'm driving. They might delay me by the odd second or two now and again, but I'm delayed by other motorists much more often and for much longer.

Only a minority of motorists seem to resent cyclists. I reckon they are just taking out their frustration on cyclists - they buy themselves a nice shiny car perhaps with a silly name, bore everyone to death with how nice the seats are and how fast it can go, vacuum clean it and wash it every Sunday, and it still takes ages to get anywhere in the thing and there's nowhere to park it when you get there.

Every one else on the road apart from me is a ****. Cyclists are just bigger cunts than the rest. I'd love an automatically opening passenger door just for when I'm overtaking them.
urmston said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
urmston said:
The motorists who seem to get annoyed with me while I'm on my bike are mainly fat, red faced middle aged blokes, often driving 4x4s which have never seen a speck of mud, sometimes with really silly names like Warrior.

Why they think they I need to know they are annoyed with me I don't know. That Noddy style tooting of the horn is unnecessary. If they left the table a bit earlier instead of stuffing their faces with too much food then perhaps they wouldn't be so fat and angry, or need to worry about the second or two that they imagine are delayed by cyclists.

Perhaps they are in a hurry to get to the next drive-thru Pizza Hut or KFC to stuff their faces so that their jeans (which they shouldn't be wearing anyway because they are for thin and/or young people, not fatties) get that bit more uncomfortable.

Not being able to afford a car really pisses you off doesn't it.

Not really. I've got one, and could afford to buy 6 more like it brand new without borrowing a penny.

I drive about 6000 miles per year, and cycle about the same. Cyclists never annoy me when I'm driving. They might delay me by the odd second or two now and again, but I'm delayed by other motorists much more often and for much longer.

Only a minority of motorists seem to resent cyclists. I reckon they are just taking out their frustration on cyclists - they buy themselves a nice shiny car perhaps with a silly name, bore everyone to death with how nice the seats are and how fast it can go, vacuum clean it and wash it every Sunday, and it still takes ages to get anywhere in the thing and there's nowhere to park it when you get there.

Not being able to take a joke really pisses you off doesn't it.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
urmston said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Not being able to afford a car really pisses you off doesn't it.

Not really. I've got one, and could afford to buy 6 more like it brand new without borrowing a penny.

I drive about 6000 miles per year, and cycle about the same. Cyclists never annoy me when I'm driving. They might delay me by the odd second or two now and again, but I'm delayed by other motorists much more often and for much longer.

Only a minority of motorists seem to resent cyclists. I reckon they are just taking out their frustration on cyclists - they buy themselves a nice shiny car perhaps with a silly name, bore everyone to death with how nice the seats are and how fast it can go, vacuum clean it and wash it every Sunday, and it still takes ages to get anywhere in the thing and there's nowhere to park it when you get there.

Not being able to take a joke really pisses you off doesn't it.

Being passed on your commute by a cyclist really pisses you off doesn't it

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