D Kelly - talk sport - city debate afetr 7pm

To be honest, I think Danny Kelly is one of the more 'balanced' presenters on there... actually quite like the fella, which is suprising for both a Talkshite presenter and a Spuds fan!
However do feel he's let himself down tonight going down the "City are ruining football" route.
Real Madrid have just smashed the world transfer record twice and still looking to spend millions, yet they have a phone in to see if we're ruining football? WTF??
And who cares if one (or more) of the so-called big 4 slip down the table? No one has a divine fucking right to be in there!
In summary, all I can say is thank christ that dogging twat Collymore wasn't on with him as usual, he'd have come out with some real shite!
TBF it's fans of other teams shitting it that we are going to take there players off them! Times have changed and they are now running scared big time. You only have to look at other fans forums and we are the talk, we are who everyone is linked with. I dont care if people think we are ruining football because I know we arnt. And if we are then so be it, I have waited far to long to see us in this situation. I'm just glad my son is only just 5 because he will now only know the club as a success and not have to watch the shit I have over the years *takes breath* this coming season will bring up some suprises, this next week or two will do too I'm sure of it.
Bring it on I say.
K.Reeves right foot said:
Pam said:
Oh for God's sake, they're still banging on. The presenter has just said "What are the Top Four going to do about the fact that one of them is about to lose their chumps league status"? The answer, apparently, is sweet f.a.

Well Pam, 5 into 4 doesn't go so one of them has to go and I know which one i,d prefer
Technically speaking 5 does go into 4, but it would not be a complete scenario.

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