Danielle Lineker

I was wondering who she was the other day, I woke up to find her on my TV driving through Gorton and thought I was still dreaming.
average looker

attractive women by today's standards pale in comparison to what used to be the norm

grace kelly and the likes blow her away.<br /><br />-- Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:16 am --<br /><br />
my mate is gary linikers nephew. infact he sacked of his mums sister for this new bird. didnt go down too well but he still see's his cousins.

That bit at the begining where george was going to leicester on xmas eve he was actually coming to our local! was quite funny that.
Sorry to re-invent this thread but if you think Danielle Lineker is fit check out Ana Tanaka who is Wayne Linekers Bird (Gary's brother). She is from Bolton and is absolutely stunning as I'm sure you'll agree.....




BimboBob said:
She was on that food programme where they go round each others houses to cook and came across as a complete airhead which turned me right off her.

Haha she is to be honest, met her a few times as she is the ex-bird of my mate but she is so fit is not funny, thoses pics don't really do her justice

Shes an unbelievable singer too so watch out for her on the next X-Factor as she has got to be one of the favourites to win it!

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