Dental prices.



Been to a private dentists this morning. An hours work cost me 167 but thats the difference. Got to say I'm delighted with it. Gums and lips are still smashed up but at least i don't talk like Chris Eubank anymore.

Turns out I do have movement in my teeth and extreme bruising to the nerves, I can't actually feel four of my front teeth after they were tested by the dentist. So thats a worry and could result in root canals. Im trying to take the positive outlook that all we be fine and heal.

borassic, how did you manage that? Is it all fixed now? Makes mine look like a scratch in comparison.
Saw my mate getting battered by a big mob in town, stepped in to break it up and got one knee to the gob. Didnt really feel it at the time, stayed on my feet then when it calmed down was getting dead funny looks off people. Mouth was gushing it was horrid when i realised what had happened. Still ended up going to watch City a few hours after. Not all sorted, not got the money to finally get everything done but have a denture which is uncomfortable to say the least. I'm actually going in on Thursday to have a chat with my dentist and discuss next steps. You're lucky they didn't come out mate!
Not a nice experience.
Did my front tooth diving in the shallow end at Jackson lane baths.
Yes I was pissed,not a clever thing to do.
Dental treatment has come on immensely but unfortunately is gona cost.
As suggested try the dental hospital if you don't mind students firtling about.
borassic said:
Saw my mate getting battered by a big mob in town, stepped in to break it up and got one knee to the gob. Didnt really feel it at the time, stayed on my feet then when it calmed down was getting dead funny looks off people. Mouth was gushing it was horrid when i realised what had happened. Still ended up going to watch City a few hours after. Not all sorted, not got the money to finally get everything done but have a denture which is uncomfortable to say the least. I'm actually going in on Thursday to have a chat with my dentist and discuss next steps. You're lucky they didn't come out mate!

That's brutal mate. Fucking typical as well, tryin to act the peacemaker and you end up with the long lasting damage. I'm actually frightened about doing it again. Walked round the supermarket yesterday wincing everytime someone stepped in front of me. Need to get over that! I'm realising how lucky I've been so far but worried about the long term damage. Hope you get that sorted mate. Keep us updated. I feel for you.
borassic said:
svennis pennis said:

That's the state of them. Can't get it to upload properly.

here's mine mate, one middle tooth snapped at the root and the one next to that pushed to the back of my mouth, really isn't nice.

edit: not to mention 6 stitches in my split lip.

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