Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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eversince 76 said:
Alex B said:
Not good enough for us im afraid, and a boring one as well. Any chance to take Mancini back and do a Jose?

Why not blame Sheik Mansour? With all his money he still hasn't manage to turn us in to a top European team.
See how sad that sounds? ...

Don't be so fucking stupid.
Sheikh Mansour is our owner, and we owe him nothing but heartfelt thanks for the way he has bankrolled our club.
He can't influence the performance of the team - he just pays their astronomical wages, even when they play like a fucking pub team.
Pellegrini can influence games, and currently is doing, but not in a good way.
When someone does their job poorly, folks like me may want them replaced
Do you understand now?
BobKowalski said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
mancity1 said:
When we go behind we don't have the fortitude to get back into the contest..

This has been an issue for a long time. How many games where we go behind do we actually go on to draw let alone win?

When we went 3-2 down at Villa and 2-1 down at Cardiff you just knew we wouldn't get anything from the games.

It's like the players think "oh shit what do we do now?"

I'm not sure it has been a problem for a long time to be honest. Maybe its because we didn't used to go behind that often but when we did we seemed to bounce back. Fulham away last season we went behind to a ludicrous penalty decision and won. WBA away we were a man down and went behind late on and went on to win it with a goal in ET from Edin. Even in the derby when we went 2-0 down we played well and fought back to 2-2 before that freekick.

Perhaps significantly these performances were earlier in the season. Once the speculation grew about Mancini being on his way out in the latter part of the season (and it had to common knowledge to the players as Rodwell admitted to doing some research on Pellers once his name started to be linked) then some of the edge seemed to disappear from the performances. I'm pretty sure Mancini also knew and thereafter everyone was just acting out their respective parts until the curtain came down.

Along with others on here the mentality of the squad is bit of an issue for me and mentality comes from the top. The culture and mentality of any organisation always reflects and comes down from the man in charge and at the moment I don't like what I see. From the back end of last season and right throughout this one we seem to have lost some steel. some edge and that is a concern as much as the tactical cockup on Wednesday. You can fix tactics. Fixing mentality is much more difficult.

I have seen BM twice this season. On Wednesday and earlier against Chelsea. The difference in approach and attitude were polar opposites. Chelsea fought and scrapped and took BM to the wire. Jose and Pep were both on the sidelines determined to extract the maximum out of their teams and beat the other. Jose v Pep is a no holds barred grudge match and it showed. With us? Pep patronised the fuck out of Pellers and BM patronised us on the pitch. It was all sweetness and light and swapping love notes. Pep didn't even break into a sweat. BM were excellent but by christ we made them look good. And whats worse we have Sergio saying there was nothing we could do. BM were just too good. Seriously just fuck off with that attitude. If thats the players reaction then we are fucked. You think Chelsea would be going round saying 'oh well nothing we could do?' You think Jose would tolerate it for a second from his players? Would he bollocks.

Excellent post Bob. The mentality of the whole squad has most certainly changed. As you say all of the players knew the manager was toast and so did the manager himself months before the axe actually fell. For obvious reasons the atmostphere, culture and feeling around the the whole club was crap. The situation was very badly managed - we know that but lets not go over old ground as it serves no purpose. There is no doubt that MP has his hands full with the current bunch of players he is now in charge of. Its fairly obvious a small number of them firmly believe they are untouchable and it has showed for some time - they need a wake up call urgently. Others are simply not good enough for where we are now and most certainly not good enough for where we want and plan to be - they have to shipped out and the squad overhauled in the next 2 transfer windows. We need a real leader on the pitch. VK as classy as he is not that leader and he needs to understand this also and we also need a real leader off the pitch in the dug out. I never want Jose near our club but you are right when you say there is no way he would tolerate such goings on and he would make the changes required.
Hopefully, MP can deliver but he really has been handed a loaded deck of cards to play with and he will need all of the help he can get from the people above him. We'll see over the coming months if he gets it...
the goats backside said:
The next few games are going to be very telling for Pelli, bad team selections and poor tactics are not just limited to the Bayern game. He needs to learn fast if we are to achieve anything this season. For the first time in years i am dreading a league home game tomorrow

And that was the reason why I loved Mancini so much, despite all his foibles.

Over the last 2-3 years we would go to the Etihad expecting a win, now we're playing just like a mid table team again, not knowing from one week to the next where our next win will come from.

It's difficult to underestimate how hard Mancini worked to get the "winner's mentality" into the player's minds, all of which is being gambled on by Pelligrini to install his new style of play.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
eversince 76 said:
Alex B said:
Not good enough for us im afraid, and a boring one as well. Any chance to take Mancini back and do a Jose?

Why not blame Sheik Mansour? With all his money he still hasn't manage to turn us in to a top European team.
See how sad that sounds? ...

Don't be so fucking stupid.
Sheikh Mansour is our owner, and we owe him nothing but heartfelt thanks for the way he has bankrolled our club.
He can't influence the performance of the team - he just pays their astronomical wages, even when they play like a fucking pub team.
Pellegrini can influence games, and currently is doing, but not in a good way.
When someone does their job poorly, folks like me may want them replaced
Do you understand now?

fetters i just love you fella! Tell it like it is!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Alex B said:
Not good enough for us im afraid, and a boring one as well. Any chance to take Mancini back and do a Jose?
We've been beaten by the best team in the world, having just humbled the defending PL champions and the manager isn't good enough? Fuck me, I despair.
A manager that also amassed 96 points in a season with real Madrid which at the time was a record amount finishing 3 points behind the team of the century

Lads we need to stop talking about what he has done in the past in other leagues. I am still behind him by the way, and was an avid member of the Mancini out brigade. However Pelle is really beginning to worry me. The way he has set up so far this season, its as if if he is looking the sack! If our midfield gets overrun by Stoke and Hull City when they have played 3 in the middle, what did he think was going to happen against Bayern ffs! The fact that he seems to have learned nothing from his mistakes as the season has went on is simply baffling. And then to send the same team out for the second half like that, i was fucking spitting feathers. Like i said, I'm still behind him, but concerns are rising. I expected more given his reputation tbh.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Alex B said:
Not good enough for us im afraid, and a boring one as well. Any chance to take Mancini back and do a Jose?
We've been beaten by the best team in the world, having just humbled the defending PL champions and the manager isn't good enough? Fuck me, I despair.
A manager that also amassed 96 points in a season with real Madrid which at the time was a record amount finishing 3 points behind the team of the century
Yet it got him the grand total of fuckall
Lets not beat abt the bush not one person on this forum said we should go for him before the rumours started in feb
Then when appointed he's one of the best out there and barca,psg & every other club were suddenly in for him

He will get my backing and praised when he gets things right and slated when he doesnt
Might be booze blues from last night's shenanigans but I've got that feeling I had when Leslie was in charge, that it won't end well. Hope we steamroller Everton but it's going to be a very tough one.
BobKowalski said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
mancity1 said:
When we go behind we don't have the fortitude to get back into the contest..

This has been an issue for a long time. How many games where we go behind do we actually go on to draw let alone win?

When we went 3-2 down at Villa and 2-1 down at Cardiff you just knew we wouldn't get anything from the games.

It's like the players think "oh shit what do we do now?"

I'm not sure it has been a problem for a long time to be honest. Maybe its because we didn't used to go behind that often but when we did we seemed to bounce back. Fulham away last season we went behind to a ludicrous penalty decision and won. WBA away we were a man down and went behind late on and went on to win it with a goal in ET from Edin. Even in the derby when we went 2-0 down we played well and fought back to 2-2 before that freekick.

Perhaps significantly these performances were earlier in the season. Once the speculation grew about Mancini being on his way out in the latter part of the season (and it had to common knowledge to the players as Rodwell admitted to doing some research on Pellers once his name started to be linked) then some of the edge seemed to disappear from the performances. I'm pretty sure Mancini also knew and thereafter everyone was just acting out their respective parts until the curtain came down.

Along with others on here the mentality of the squad is bit of an issue for me and mentality comes from the top. The culture and mentality of any organisation always reflects and comes down from the man in charge and at the moment I don't like what I see. From the back end of last season and right throughout this one we seem to have lost some steel. some edge and that is a concern as much as the tactical cockup on Wednesday. You can fix tactics. Fixing mentality is much more difficult.

I have seen BM twice this season. On Wednesday and earlier against Chelsea. The difference in approach and attitude were polar opposites. Chelsea fought and scrapped and took BM to the wire. Jose and Pep were both on the sidelines determined to extract the maximum out of their teams and beat the other. Jose v Pep is a no holds barred grudge match and it showed. With us? Pep patronised the fuck out of Pellers and BM patronised us on the pitch. It was all sweetness and light and swapping love notes. Pep didn't even break into a sweat. BM were excellent but by christ we made them look good. And whats worse we have Sergio saying there was nothing we could do. BM were just too good. Seriously just fuck off with that attitude. If thats the players reaction then we are fucked. You think Chelsea would be going round saying 'oh well nothing we could do?' You think Jose would tolerate it for a second from his players? Would he bollocks.

As per usual Bob eloquently put and right on the money.

I have been saying for a while now perhaps like yourself (although I must admit I don't read all your posts) that I don't like what I hear from our players after the event.

VK our captain and leader saying we were so unlucky and we would have won that game 9 times out of ten.

FFS Vinny it means nothing and sends out a poor signal , its almost like ok we will make the odd mistake again but if we do it will be fine because our quality will push us through.

Unlucky Vinny , maybe maybe not but you have to expect that despite dominating possession and some reasonable build up play there was nothing on the end of it.

You cannot give any side even one as average as Villa an inch and to lead twice only to surrender it and lose is unheard of even in Mancini's darkest days.

Bolton 1-0 a few years back at coms, that was unlucky but still its the final score that counts

Rubbish the mindset of the team from Vinny down has shown this year and a carry over from the later part of last year is completely skewed.

I know that if Everton take the lead tomorrow we are cactus plain and simple and on the field it starts from VK.

Aguerro as you point out says they were too good on the night well yes but to say there was nothing they could do about it is tantamount to saying well lets call it off at half time and give them the 1-0 because that flatters us and we are stuffed from chasing them anyway.

What kind of a signal does that send out to us , the owners , MP for that matter and supporters and investors.

I hope he was misquoted in the translation from Spanish to English because I am flumixed a key member of the best squad in England ( or are we kidding ourselves about that ) would throw his hands up in defeat.

Why bother playing out the rest of the chumps league games because even if we qualify Sergio and Co will come across a Bayern mark two.

Richards is too tired to make a fist of his aftermatch interview FFS and he " hopes all being well we can recover in time for Everton but CSKA will be tough as they have an artificial pitch.

FFS Micah maybe we shouldn't put you on the plane because your legs won't stand the strain of the funny grass.

Terrible terrible messages especially to the new players still settling in.

The beast gives me the impression he would slap you around a bit if he heard a teammate utters such pearlers and although he is new to the caper here I hope he did.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
eversince 76 said:
Alex B said:
Not good enough for us im afraid, and a boring one as well. Any chance to take Mancini back and do a Jose?

Why not blame Sheik Mansour? With all his money he still hasn't manage to turn us in to a top European team.
See how sad that sounds? ...

Don't be so fucking stupid.
Sheikh Mansour is our owner, and we owe him nothing but heartfelt thanks for the way he has bankrolled our club.
He can't influence the performance of the team - he just pays their astronomical wages, even when they play like a fucking pub team.
Pellegrini can influence games, and currently is doing, but not in a good way.
When someone does their job poorly, folks like me may want them replaced
Do you understand now?
we have a winner
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