
Well-Known Member
3 Jul 2009
Just got back from the match, thought we were awful and the team selection beggered belief, BUT what really pissed me off tonight was the abuse given to Santa Cruz by City fans at the match - I do not care how badly someone plays, they do not play badly deliberately, and the constant abuse he got tonight, which was concerted when he was substituted (over 50% of the Blues there tonight were booing/jeering him as he came off) was disgusting - how a player is ever going to regain confidence after shit like that, well he just won't. For me that's it with away games, I thought it was absolutely appalling, and not something I want to see and hear again
he gets paid millions in wages every year... money we can only dream of earning........
so fuck him . he ought to pull his finger out and try harder.. and if he cant he ought to fuck off
Irlamblue said:
he gets paid millions in wages every year... money we can only dream of earning........
so fuck him . he ought to pull his finger out and try harder.. and if he cant he ought to fuck off
i booed him for not trying,dont tell me he gave it is all ,so i agree with this guy
Irlamblue said:
he gets paid millions in wages every year... money we can only dream of earning........
so fuck him . he ought to pull his finger out and try harder.. and if he cant he ought to fuck off
I have to admit my patience has finally snapped with RSC, yes he does seem to have everything in his locker and I have put across this view many times on here and supported him throughout all his poor performances.....If you take away any sentimental attachment...he has to be one of the worst buys we've ever made. I honestly think I could have done better than him (and I am shite)
It's a blip. All teams have them. With the money expectancy is high but with it comes other problems. Players to keep happy when they sit on the bench and trying to find a right balance etc. Maybe expectancy is a big problem too. I support the rival Manchester team but I think I am more upbeat about City than many fans here. I am certainly more upbeat than Mancini (who seemingly has conceded the league to Chelsea already). It will be interesting to see what happens against Chelsea today. I think City will do well mainly because playing a good side will galvanise the team and that is probably all that is lacking. City beat Liverpool comfortably and drew away at Spurs and I think will do well against 'better' teams. It is the lesser teams that will cause problems because the players are probably thinking 'look at star studded us .. look at them' and not given the respect they have to. Blackburn have nicked a draw and a second string are out of the league cup .. so what .. the thing to do is support the team, get toward the end of the season and then reflect on how much progress has been made. It is not how the season starts but how it finishes that counts.<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:15 pm --<br /><br />There we go then. I knew City would do well today. Chelsea supports now will go from certain premiership winners this morning to 'as soon as we play a good team we lose' doom and gloom. While City supporters will be wondering what they were moaning about this morning and all of a sudden the Premiership looks on again. We are a few games in and a long way to go. Do not worry City will be there or thereabouts at the end.
my son and i were at west brom santa clueless was shite i think he thought he was on the cat walk in milan fashion show if i had a box of rotten eggs he would have the lot thrown at his smug face send him back to mr hughes what a waste of skin

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