Distin off to Everton

licker said:
Hows our mercenary ex-centre half getting on ??, made a few errors at the weekend so i'm told.
The £22 m will get us a few more players, Distin, Bilyaletnov, and maybe Heitinga, all for 18 mill, thats a very good deal Mr Moyes has done, he can give Kenwright the other 6 mill and everybodys happy.
I don't think you'll find many fans of Newcastle, City or Portsmouth with many a good word to say about Distin, but that's old news. Lescott had a good game for City as Portsmouth hardly had an effort on goal. Distin is very left footed, and he's quick and powerful. His game is all about his pace which gets him out of some poor positioning at times. Lacks concentration, and is one footed. When his pace goes, he will be a liability. He'll be OK for a season, but in 12 months you'll be buying again.

Everton should be able to strengthen given the monies you got. Not sure if Heitinga has the game for the Premiership. He's a good footballer, but a bit lightweight. Holland and Spain is all about technique. Does he have the power to cope with Stoke, and Bolton?

The monies for lescott always made sense from City and Everton's point of view which is why the acrimony around the transfer was hard to understand. Moyes could have dug his feet in without publically dressing down the player - still we don't know all the facts. If the transfer was on for most of the Summer, then you've had time to do a lot of planning.

From what I saw on MOTD you were lucky to beat a poor Wigan team - but maybe that's the game to kickstart your season.
Thanks for the input on Distin Marvin, i really never took much notice of him while he was at other clubs, but he looked comfortable against wigan.
And yes we were very very lucky to get the 3 points, but once the window shuts and everybody settles down i think we should be able to make some progress up the league.
licker said:
Thanks for the input on Distin Marvin, i really never took much notice of him while he was at other clubs, but he looked comfortable against wigan.
And yes we were very very lucky to get the 3 points, but once the window shuts and everybody settles down i think we should be able to make some progress up the league.
Yes when you get your players in and have jagielka, Yakubu, and Arteta back you will have a very good team. City look good now, but we've got two tough games coming up against Arsenal and Utd. Lose those which is very possible, and things will look very different, and the mob will be baying inside and outside MCFC
licker said:
Thanks for the input on Distin Marvin, i really never took much notice of him while he was at other clubs, but he looked comfortable against wigan.
And yes we were very very lucky to get the 3 points, but once the window shuts and everybody settles down i think we should be able to make some progress up the league.

Distin's a good player and was the obvious 2-3 year immediate replacement for Lescott. The balance of the money EFC have left over should stand them in good stead for the rest of the season, it's just a pity Moyes played it the way he did over the transfer thus affecting your start to the season.

I know some of you Toffees still have a sour taste in the mouth regarding Lescott, but believe me, so do a lot of us Sky Blues especially because it was EFC who publicised the bid and then they accused us of conducting our 'disgusting' pursuit of the player through the media. It's a bit 2 faced of Moyes TBH, because by all accounts he's not satisfied with the money he's got from us, he's now 'playing it out through the media' by publicly challenging Kenwright to put your club further into the red by borrowing even more money from your bankers that you can't afford to pay back, to give him more funds to buy David Bentley!!!

I personally think it was very low of Moyes to use our financial status as a reason to call us arrogant and disgusting. If we didn't have a pot to piss in, but made a bid for the player, what would he have said then?

It makes me laff sometimes to think of us poor financially challenged fans getting so wound up and hot under the collar about people who we don't know personally and who are multi-millionaires who don't have to worry about where they're going to get the money from to pay the Leccy bill.

Anyway, let bygones be bygones and hopefully in the fullness of time our stances will soften toward each other. :-)
Dribble, i agree with most of what you said but you wont get many of us blue dippers saying anything bad about Moyes, he has been the saviour of this club, up to when he came we often missed relegation by a gnats nudger, it was that close.

Since then the club have moved away from the danger zone to the upper reaches of a very competetive league, which this season will be even more competetive, yourselves, villa, and spuds among the front runners, Moyes over the years has performed miracles with no help whatsoever from a board who are tighter than a ducks arse.

Rooney (spit) went for £25m, the next season saw Beatie, McFadden, and Andy Johnson go for a combined £21m and of course this season has seen Lescott go for £22, Moyes is generating his own money and this is why he held out so long, the deal was always going to happen it was just a case of getting as much as he could, he also pushed Lescott into asking for a transfer to avoid paying him a loyalty bonus. I think we will struggle to get 5th again this season in fact if we get into the top 8 it will be a success for a club thats down on their uppers, and has not been given any money to spend for the last 3 years.

Good luck for the season mate, except when you play us. lol.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.tribalfootball.com/distin-everton-fans-best-ive-played-292501" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tribalfootball.com/distin-ev ... yed-292501</a>

A good guy really :)

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