Do Aliens actually exist ?

I get what you are saying, but you have to differentiate between on the one hand what we consider might conceivably be possible, albeit we don't have the technology yet. And on the other hand what we cannot conceive of how it could be possible, even if we did have the technology.

The idea in 1920 of us visiting the moon is firmly planted in the former category. We had no idea how to build the rocket, or the many technological challenges to overcome. But we could easily envisage a scenario where one day it might be possible. No laws of physics needed to be re-written, we just needed to invent some stuff.

But travelling thousands, millions, or even billions of light years? I can't imagine of any way it could be conceivable, even with technology infinitely more advanced than our own. We'd need entirely new laws of physics.

All this has always been the way of thinking though. Our understanding of the universe and its laws will change and evolve just like they always have. I think it’s fair to say that 100 years from now that there will be technologies that were impossible and unthinkable today.
God knows what your 2nd paragraph is all about. But the other 3 are reasonable comments.

My personal feeling is that the universe is probably teaming with life, but - two important points, (i) most of it is plankton and (ii) space is so inconceivably enormous that spotting intelligent life is unthinkably difficult.

Imagine intelligent life is quite "rare". Let's speculate for sake of argument that in the average galaxy like the milky way, with its 100 billion stars and 1 trillion planets, only 1 planet has intelligent life on it. That would mean life is incredibly rare, right?

But there are perhaps 200 billion galaxies, so on that basis there would be 200 billion civilizations out there right now. The problem is there is no conceivable way we could know - no radio broadcast would ever be strong enough to be detectable from millions of light years away. Even if these civilizations existed millions of years ago, and their electro-magnetic emissions had time to reach us, we'd never be able to hear them. And they would never have thought to visit us (assuming they had the technology to do so, which is extremely unlikely anyway) because they would have no clue we are here. Why launch such an expensive intergalactic mission to visit our small insignificant speck, which to them would appear lifeless anyway?
My 2nd paragraph is actually based exactly on what Professor Brian Cox said on a podcast I listened to, Joe Rogan to be precise. The scientific community has a general consensus, he said, of 10 million years to colonise a galaxy, based on similar intelligence to us.

I actually think your post is good and that’s how scarce intelligent life will be, if it is out there. However something I read stated that, and I’m paraphrasing here to a level of intelligence unfit for what I am repeating, that scientists looked at other galaxies and fully expected to see light diminished from at least one of them, meaning another civilisation millions of years ago, had harnessed star energy and they found zero of evidence of that in any that they looked at.

What this means is that not only is intelligent life so rare that it doesn’t likely exist elsewhere in our galaxy but in other galaxies it’s even more rare that life can reach the stage of colonising the entire galaxy.

In short, we shouldn’t be worried about ET as a threat.

This guy who knows what he’s on about (I don’t), is a good listen to:

It's a big industry though isn't it.
It's also getting more sophisticated as flying saucers and those mini, big headed 'aliens' don't wash anymore.
UFO/UAP's are close to the 'possibility' in the conspiracy theory charts (didn't someone post a chart the other day) and a lot of is people wanting this to be true for a variety of reasons. It's when it becomes obsessive it might be an issue for some people.

What is clear though is no-one at SpaceX/NASA has anything close to the tech purported to be flying around given yesterday's space X set back.
I think some of the things flying around are top secret and we have no idea what governments have. I also think some pilots are a little mistaken in what they’ve seen and some of the manoeuvres aren’t what they think.

All of these things are far more likely than ET.
When you look into the night sky and see all them stars, and that's like a tiny dot just in our galaxy, billions of planets in our galaxy, amongst trillions of galaxies in the universe. It would be laughable if we were the only life form in the universe, there has to be millions of life out there.

There is a reason we are light years apart, we are not meant to mingle with each other. Humans aren't nice at all, maybe they aren't nice either.

Unless someone can manipulate space/time/gravity it would be impossible to reach other solar systems in a good time. I can't wrap my head around how they could make it here unless they do just that.
We don’t know that. (And I don’t otherwise).

Depends on what is used to detect life. If they have probes to come to us or have a telescope Arron enough to see man made light on the dark side of the planet then they will probably be detecting what we sent out there which will be radio waves which started in the last 100 years.

But as you say, we have no idea what tech they would have available to use
I think some of the things flying around are top secret and we have no idea what governments have. I also think some pilots are a little mistaken in what they’ve seen and some of the manoeuvres aren’t what they think.

All of these things are far more likely than ET.
Entirely feasible.
Just not sure govts are that great at hiding anything so we soon fall into conspiracies.
If anyone knew about that kind of tech I'm sure they wouldn't be sending vast carbon led rockets clumsily into space.
Don't know. My mate's bro is in the RAF and has mentioned stuff like this.
They're not daft this lot.

My take? Gravity Bubbles cross migrating from parallel universes . You're welcome.

Funny on this though...never amazes me looking into space on a clear night (I'd love to take a trip to North Yorkshire to see the milky way in full as per yesterdays news). I have seen the Milky Way in rural Norfolk. Utterly surreal...
Entirely feasible.
Just not sure govts are that great at hiding anything so we soon fall into conspiracies.
If anyone knew about that kind of tech I'm sure they wouldn't be sending vast carbon led rockets clumsily into space.
Don't know. My mate's bro is in the RAF and has mentioned stuff like this.
They're not daft this lot.

My take? Gravity Bubbles cross migrating from parallel universes . You're welcome.

Funny on this though...never amazes me looking into space on a clear night (I'd love to take a trip to North Yorkshire to see the milky way in full as per yesterdays news). I have seen the Milky Way in rural Norfolk. Utterly surreal...
UFO’s are far more seen in the US than elsewhere and they also happen to have the most advanced weaponry and technology, it’s no coincidence.
I said:
But why choose Earth? Anyone more than 100 light years away, has no idea Earth has any life on it.
We don’t know that. (And I don’t otherwise).

It's vaguely conceivable some civilizations within our galaxy (but more than 100 light years away) could somehow detect organic material in our atmosphere I suppose. But even that - if we are to believe that intelligent life is commonplace - would not in itself make Earth an interesting place to visit compared to the billions of other planets which must also have organic material in their atmospheres.

But when you get outside our galaxy, it becomes impossible to detect individual stars in neighbouring galaxies, let alone planets around them, let alone the composition of their atmosphere. We are SOOOOOOO far away from any such distant civilizations as to be truly invisible, and in any event totally lost in the countless trillions of other similar planets.

The only realistic way other civilizations may know we exist is from our radio output, and that does limit the audience to other planets less than 100 light years away. No-one else knows we are here nor has any reason to be vaguely interested in our inconsequential 3rd rock from the sun.
UFO’s are far more seen in the US than elsewhere and they also happen to have the most advanced weaponry and technology, it’s no coincidence.
The thing that's no coincidence is that they have more of these than anywhere else:


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