Do you think we'll sign anyone?

Ray78 wrote:
If it is Cavani then my time on this planet is over as I am going to walk in the fast lane of the M60.

That is where I was on Friday night and it was snow joke.

With a maximum of 18 games or so with a full cup run with three strikers that means each could play twelve games on rotation IMO no need to try and buy in the last few hours of the window, the space has been created. Hopefully at the beginning of the next window the players not up to scratch will be shown the door and hopefully replaced with quality signings and the cynic in me might say that they could be players bought by a new manager.
Rammyblues said:
Ray78 wrote:
If it is Cavani then my time on this planet is over as I am going to walk in the fast lane of the M60.

That is where I was on Friday night and it was snow joke.

With a maximum of 18 games or so with a full cup run with three strikers that means each could play twelve games on rotation IMO no need to try and buy in the last few hours of the window, the space has been created. Hopefully at the beginning of the next window the players not up to scratch will be shown the door and hopefully replaced with quality signings and the cynic in me might say that they could be players bought by a new manager.

I agree with all that post and fingers crossed we have got the solution to a couple of concerns we have got with the squad.
Well they made a 5 mill bid for 17 year old Roma CD Marquinhos that was turned down. I would like them to take another run at him or another young CD. Lescott is probably on his way out in the summer, even if he stays he's getting close to the end of his career and so is Kolo. So we could use another young player for the future. I think we desperately need some speed in midfield. A player that can take players on the dribble and create opportunities on his own when things aren't going well. I think we need to do something cause even though we are 2nd in the table we haven't played to potential at all. I think the rest of the league has regressed a bit and we and the evil empire have gotten away with mediocre play this season. If we are going to repeat this season we have to add a player or 2. I don't think we can afford to stand pat and hope that the rags choke the title away again.
We need someone to shake up our attack. We're nothing like as lethal as last season; a combination of various losses of form, teams sussing us out a bit, no plan B and quite a lot of opposition bus-parking that we don't seem to have the guile or pace to break down.

I think a top quality forward signing like Falcao or Cavani would see us overhaul the rag bastards and stay there. It would just make so much sense, especially now we've got Balo off the payroll.
We need someone. I don't want to see Rodwell on for Tevez when we are chasing a goal ever again.

Simply put if we don't bring in anyone we can kiss goodbye to the league. 3 windows and zero improvement is always going to stagnate the team
None of the players are available so there is no point in banging our heads against a brick wall. We have to another look at our squad in the Summer.
Paulmcfc2703 said:
We need someone. I don't want to see Rodwell on for Tevez when we are chasing a goal ever again.

Simply put if we don't bring in anyone we can kiss goodbye to the league. 3 windows and zero improvement is always going to stagnate the team

Isco would have been good today :D we definitely do based on todays performance just think it might be too late..

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