I believe some of it does come down to the general frustration people have with life in general at the moment. Cost of living crisis, transport worse than ever, daft kick off times and needed to book off even more days at work. Football used to be the release from all of that, it no longer is and hasn't been for a while.
Over the last number of years I have been fortunate enough to go to pretty much every game home and away missing less than a couple a year, yet this year I have already decided against a number because of Monday nights and having to drive etc and the ever increasing cost. Not that I am to the point of stopping, but I can still feel like I am getting more and more disconnected with it all.
Going off the comments of some on previous pages on here that must mean I need to kick in my season ticket and pass it to some tourist who loves his bag of city goodies from the club shop and gets his phone torch out like a boyband concert for some strange reason. People can have a moan all they want about what they are not liking atm, they have every right to do so without having to want to kick it all in. It's what a lot of grown up with and all they know. City if they had anything about them should be concerned with such forums and seeing what can be done. Instead they will be rubbing their hands together at all the season tickets they can turn to match day tickets.
Leaving their place yesterday I was annoyed at how many get into the hands of the wrong fans. People can try and stir up an argument all they want try to suggest the likes of young asian kids as earlier in the thread or those with half and half scarves might live here or have season tickets (at over 25k for the ticket). I myself ended up arguing with two muppets on the steps on the way out thinking it was fine to stop people trying to leave for a couple of minutes whilst they took selfies. They just don't get it all and it is a massive divide in sections, causing an us and them mentality.
It is city and only city where the tickets are coming from. Some to the corporate seats, with more to come with any expansion. Some to overseas supporters clubs (why?) and then we have our sponsors. Look at how many sponsors we have...
10 for Nissan (at absolute least) 10 for Nexan, 10 for Asahi, 10 for Puma, 10 for our cryptocurrency sleeve sponsor and so on.
Once you start dishing out that many to corporate and sponsors you can never take that incentive back. Only ever give out more.