Sure. "The left is beaten." The only issue the left has is "We hate Trump." Which actually means "We hate America and Americans", because Trump is the average American, writ large. "He has no ideaology except getting the job done." "The difference between citizens who hate Mr. Trump and those who can live with him—whether they love or merely tolerate him—comes down to their views of the typical American."
Here's a good one: "Granted, Mr. Trump is a parody of the average American, not the thing itself. To turn away is fair. But to hate him from your heart is revealing. Many Americans were ashamed when Ronald Reagan was elected. A movie actor? But the new direction he chose for America was a big success on balance, and Reagan turned into a great president."
Ronald Reagan was the governor of the nation's largest state and the 7th largest economy in the world before he was President.
In short, it's an editorial that if it were a painting would be one of Stalin, beaming, leading out in front of a mass of adoring workers carrying sacks and sickles.