Donald Trump

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I'm still stunned at the amount of Brits who care about him. It's not as if there are no issues in our own country that need airing. Mind you, I do find the seething hatred quite funny.
Perhaps these things are not mutually exclusive and perhaps we're allowed to be worried about more than one thing at a time. And perhaps some of us are concerned that a bone fide nut-job is in possession of the launch codes for the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet.
I'm sure John Oliver's Trump vs truth segment has been posted, but only just saw it today. One thing I took away from it is how easy the masses (and apparently the fucking president) can be influenced either way by the media. Politics really is a shell game.
I'm sure John Oliver's Trump vs truth segment has been posted, but only just saw it today. One thing I took away from it is how easy the masses (and apparently the fucking president) can be influenced either way by the media. Politics really is a shell game.
Im pretty sure you said exactly the same thing the other day? I may be wrong, correct me if so
If you get impeached in your first term can you still stand for a second term?
That's a seriously good question. My guess would be yes.

Did a quick check and found this....

In order to qualify to run for any election you must be registered to vote. Most states do not allow felons voting rights therefore keeping felons from holding public office.

Many felons are able to get their record expunged after a certain amount of time and can get their voting rights back however in politics where anything that can be dug up and used against you the chances of a felon being elected to any Federal Office is slim, and knowing the way politics works I would say that any person with a felony,(even as a Juvenile), would have a very difficult time getting elected President.

So they'd have to get the orange fool on a felony, which I suspect wouldn't be too difficult.
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