The biggest danger or Trump is not the one that he is racist, bigoted ****, islamophobic, chauvinist etc.. because he's none of that. He is privately liberal as fuck and had been all his life. Ok, he is chauvinist privately too, but not the other stuff.
The biggest danger is that he is psycho that would act as whateverfuck you want if that would serve his interests. And that's what he is doing last few years - he realized that there is a big group of white, angry, bigoted, conservative Americans that could lead him to the White House and he'll do anything to please them.
The real racist could be a smart, highly intelligent politician who'd realize where the borders are but one who's whole idea is to appeal to the lowest low of America is what makes his presidency awful thing. He is psycho, the core of his voters are nutters and he is ready for anything.
USA are in trouble, their society is heavily divided and I feel it all started with Obama. Looks like they were not ready for black president yet.