Bill Walker
Well-Known Member
He's gonna blast the shit out of Soul first opportunityBig difference between doing that whilst knowing you can and signing your own and your country's death warrant. Huge difference in fact.
He's gonna blast the shit out of Soul first opportunityBig difference between doing that whilst knowing you can and signing your own and your country's death warrant. Huge difference in fact.
He could do that now and has been able to since he came to power.He's gonna blast the shit out of Soul first opportunity
There's plenty of safeguards that prevent a president from doing most things domestically. For example if he wanted to stop psychopaths buying guns he'd find it practically impossible.Yep. And I'm sure all he needs to do is press a big button in his office, and there are absolutely no safeguards in place! Good lord man. The world was totally fucked up when he came to office, it's not like he's invaded anywhere (yet). However, Kim Yong Whogivesafuck will get a battering on Twatter........
China have the power to stop that crazy fucker in North Korea , but they refuse too
We in the west should STOP buying anything made in China immediately , just do without their shit.
They'd soon do something
Trump in Warsaw Poland giving a fantastic speech
I think it's time we had we a separate 'Blue Fascists' thread so they can cream over such things without bothering the rest of us.
Well i wouldn't expect a Pinko/socialist/hand wringing liberal like you to appreciate it
It's actually called freedom of speech and a different opinion to yours, plenty of people from this country have given their lives so you and i can express that right without having a bullet through the head or your throat slitI think it's time we had we a separate 'Blue Fascists' thread so they can cream over such things without bothering the rest of us.