Dubai massive


Well-Known Member
11 Nov 2009
I know there's at least 4 of you on here, main one obviously being Dubai Blue. So how is it really? It seems I'll be joining you. Can we watch City? Are there any single women (preferably fit - I'm just in a new relationship, but it's sadly a tad too soon to get married and move together when they want me in 6 weeks. Well, 5 weeks and 6 days now. And frankly the money is too good to take the new bird option and hope for the best! I'll live - as long as there are single women. So we've taken a sensible 6 week shagfest then cheers bye approach.) How hard is booze for home to get hold of? Will I become the new expert on exactly what our owners think, with them being next door and that? Will you be my friend?
You'll be reet mate. Can I come visit? All I can offer is porn, a stiff sock and a packet of polo's.
You can, but I fear immigration don't look kindly on porn and stiff socks...
goose72 said:
You can, but I fear immigration don't look kindly on porn and stiff socks...

i'll find a way ;) lucky swine anyway, enjoy it mate. How long you out there or is it indefinite?
goose72 said:
I know there's at least 4 of you on here, main one obviously being Dubai Blue. So how is it really? It seems I'll be joining you. Can we watch City? Are there any single women (preferably fit - I'm just in a new relationship, but it's sadly a tad too soon to get married and move together when they want me in 6 weeks. Well, 5 weeks and 6 days now. And frankly the money is too good to take the new bird option and hope for the best! I'll live - as long as there are single women. So we've taken a sensible 6 week shagfest then cheers bye approach.) How hard is booze for home to get hold of? Will I become the new expert on exactly what our owners think, with them being next door and that? Will you be my friend?

I think you will be in for a bit of surprise where Dubai is concerned.
bluejase said:
goose72 said:
You can, but I fear immigration don't look kindly on porn and stiff socks...

i'll find a way ;) lucky swine anyway, enjoy it mate. How long you out there or is it indefinite?

Yeah, till I leave, get sacked, or imprisoned and deported for shagging on the beach basically!
been toying with this recently after being made redundant again....there are plenty of jobs for project managers over in dubai at the moment, but not sure if i can bear to be out of manchester for too long. I may have done it 20 years ago, but have kids and settled, etc now

good luck in your endeavours fella....and be sure to let us know as a new arriver what it's like
Certainly will mate! Yeah - it gets a bit harder with a family in tow I guess, though it's apparently very kid/family friendly over there. It's a good opportunity, but a bit scary at the same time.

Just felt like a good time for a change. Had a dire 2009/early 2010, but on the plus side came out of it single for the first time in god knows how long and thought I'd make the most of it while I don't have a bird tying me to one spot like I seem to serially acquire!

Applied speculatively really, didn't honestly expect to get it, but here I am!
a few friendly warnings my friend.

1. dont show your middle fingers to anyone(dont curse either)
2. dont get cought up with any kinds of drugs(i know how westerners like to smoke weed), the punishment is insane
3. no public affection with anyone(kissing and ect.)
4. its ramadan soon, so during the fasting hours, you cant eat out publicly, cuz there are people fasting and you will make it hard on them if they see you eating. you will get in trouble if you do so.
5. no stealing whatsoever, you will see it when you get there, that stores, companies, people and ect. leave their goods anywhere and nobody touches them. thats because if your cought stealing, they will cut your hand, so there really isnt any theft or crime there.

and here are some stuff u might be looking for.
there are plenty of bars/night clubs you could go to drink, but do not take your drinks out of the bars/night clubs.
if you like night clubs, dubai has some of the best of them, full of hot european sluts(mostly russian). these clubs usually play house music, so if u dont like house music than ur shit out of luck. i personally love house music, and its in those places where you will find some really sexy girls.
good luck and have fun

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