Dunne... how many more strikes?

RealMancsAreBlue said:
Dunne Richards and Bridge are all below the level we need to finish 5th this season, simple

I agree about richards and dunne, not bridge he just needs some protection from bazza.
Pollerz said:
DaveH said:
Where was our left back when Rangers were allowed to cross the ball in with ease also why was Dunnie left marking 2 strikers at the same time.

Yeh Lets all jump on his case

Why would he stick the ball out for a corner when he had all the time in the world to boot the ball upfield... btw we conceded from the corner he gave away.. also bridge had 2 players all over him all night he coped fairly well its richard dunnes job to help him and also petrovs but our wingers dont like to track back that is why bridge will be alot better when barry is playing because he will help protect him abit more... as for dunne ben haim tonight was the better defender.

So was it Dunne, Bridge, Petrov Or Givens fault or maybe Hughes for not picking Tevez.
Your just another one that jumps om the Dunnie bandwagon.
Not perfect tonight but not as bad as people make out
Pollerz said:
tosh1 said:
Seriously, which goal are we blaming him for? The 1st where he was marking his man and bridge left his man at the left post? The second where dunne pushed out to close down and toure was caught napping and got beat by a ball over the top or the third where no one closed the man on the edge of the 6 yard box?

3rd gave away a needless corner.

Did you here him get a shout? If in doubt clear it out, If he doesn't get a shout what would you have him do, Lose posession and concede? At least if he gives a corner we get a chance to regroup and defend the corner? Everytime we concede a corner should we all look to blame whoever conceded it!! Nonsense.
tosh1 said:
Seriously, which goal are we blaming him for? The 1st where he was marking his man and bridge left his man at the left post? The second where dunne pushed out to close down and toure was caught napping and got beat by a ball over the top or the third where no one closed the man on the edge of the 6 yard box?

Presumably all of them! Seriously if anyone that actually watches City can tell me a better defender that has worn our shirt on a regular basis over the last few seasons then I would like to know his name.

Defending is an art and whilst Dunney may not be a grand master he is still one of City's better defenders. Dunney is quite often exposed at the back by others failings and quite often by his own, but one thing he won't do is hide.

Please think about it and get off his back!
I've tried defending Dunnie but I've got to admit he's lost it. Sad to say but there it is.
bluwilpgs said:
tosh1 said:
Seriously, which goal are we blaming him for? The 1st where he was marking his man and bridge left his man at the left post? The second where dunne pushed out to close down and toure was caught napping and got beat by a ball over the top or the third where no one closed the man on the edge of the 6 yard box?

Presumably all of them! Seriously if anyone that actually watches City can tell me a better defender that has worn our shirt on a regular basis over the last few seasons then I would like to know his name.

Defending is an art and whilst Dunney may not be a grand master he is still one of City's better defenders. Dunney is quite often exposed at the back by others failings and quite often by his own, but one thing he won't do is hide.

Please think about it and get off his back!

Ive said in my op that hes been one of our best over past seasons but he is now making huge mistakes mistiming alot of tackles. a better team would of scored the freekick he gave rangers.

sorry but its game over at city for dunne in my books. hes been a loyal servant and will always keep a warm place in my heart but he is not one of the players to take us forward.
Ive said in my op that hes been one of our best over past seasons but he is now making huge mistakes mistiming alot of tackles. a better team would of scored the freekick he gave rangers.

sorry but its game over at city for dunne in my books. hes been a loyal servant and will always keep a warm place in my heart but he is not one of the players to take us forward.[/quote]

How many times have we seen other top quality defenders (Terry springs to mind) bring players down cynically to give away free kicks and take the booking to break up the oppositions play and deny a goal scoring opportunity, when terry et al do it there top quality defenders, when Dunnie does it he's a liability!! Nothing like defending you're own!!
tosh1 said:
Ive said in my op that hes been one of our best over past seasons but he is now making huge mistakes mistiming alot of tackles. a better team would of scored the freekick he gave rangers.

sorry but its game over at city for dunne in my books. hes been a loyal servant and will always keep a warm place in my heart but he is not one of the players to take us forward.

How many times have we seen other top quality defenders (Terry springs to mind) bring players down cynically to give away free kicks and take the booking to break up the oppositions play and deny a goal scoring opportunity, when terry et al do it there top quality defenders, when Dunnie does it he's a liability!! Nothing like defending you're own!![/quote]

difference between 30 yrs out with no defenders left.. and 20 yards out with ben haim and bridge running in behind u
Pollerz said:
How many more strikes before this guy is out.. seriously if i see us concede another goal because of his lack of defensive ability im going to scream..

Im as loyal a fan as any on here and im aware hes been are best player over the past years but when its time its time richard.. and im afraid your time has come.

Thankyou for your loyal service you where a true blue. but enough is enough..

The obligatory anti-Dunne quote after we concede a goal

Toure was much more culpable for the second goal than Dunne was for the first, so why no thread on him.

I think you'll find that if Dunne is hounded out of the club, we'll still be conceding soft goals and you'll need to find someone else to blame.
Pollerz said:
tosh1 said:
Ive said in my op that hes been one of our best over past seasons but he is now making huge mistakes mistiming alot of tackles. a better team would of scored the freekick he gave rangers.

sorry but its game over at city for dunne in my books. hes been a loyal servant and will always keep a warm place in my heart but he is not one of the players to take us forward.

How many times have we seen other top quality defenders (Terry springs to mind) bring players down cynically to give away free kicks and take the booking to break up the oppositions play and deny a goal scoring opportunity, when terry et al do it there top quality defenders, when Dunnie does it he's a liability!! Nothing like defending you're own!!

difference between 30 yrs out with no defenders left.. and 20 yards out with ben haim and bridge running in behind u[/quote]

He gave away more than one tonight so maybe on about different free kicks but my point is still valid i think. Defenders give free kicks away for various reasons other than too slow and clumsy. Was it the free kick on the young lad who had been terrorising us for the ten minutes previous? Maybe it's just like on a sunday league pitch when you give them a bad/late challenge to let them know you're there in the hope it knocks their confidence? To be fair i'm just playing devils advocate because i don't believe he deserves the stick he's getting and i still believe he is the best defender we have and good enough to take us where we want to go, especially with an experienced defender like toure next to him

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