Dynamic Type

Kinkladze 1

Well-Known Member
29 Apr 2015
I’m struggling to read the text in here now unless i pinch and zoom the screen which is a pain in the arse. Think my eyes are fucked. Is there anything else I can do? Could this site use Dynamic Type so that the text size can be adjusted through the device settings?.. cheers. And dont say get glasses.
I’m struggling to read the text in here now unless i pinch and zoom the screen which is a pain in the arse. Think my eyes are fucked. Is there anything else I can do? Could this site use Dynamic Type so that the text size can be adjusted through the device settings?.. cheers. And dont say get glasses.
Are you using the app?
It's not an App in that sense. You can link the website page to the desktop although it's been that long I can't remember how :(
There was a link to download the app on the previous incarnation of the site but it seems to have gone since the last update.
Is it perhaps because we've got it linked already? I don't want to delete the link only to find I can't get it back.
@Kinkladze 1 Sorry, the above doesn't help you but if using a browser to access the site on mobile or tablet then tap on the browser settings and look for accessibility. On my Android phone you have 'text scaling', just find a setting that suits you.

Edit: damn, that works for Sky Sports but doesn't affect Bluemoon.

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