E-Cigs in pubs.

dum spiro spero

Well-Known Member
30 Sep 2011
Just switched to the electronic variety. Cant remember seeing anyone in the boozer puffing on one. What is the etiquette about smoking one inside?
The standard line is it still looks like smoking so therefore it's still banned. Also the vapor dispersed is still releasing something into the air that encroaches on others.

Use a patch or summat.
Manchester1894 said:
The standard line is it still looks like smoking so therefore it's still banned. Also the vapor dispersed is still releasing something into the air that encroaches on others.

Use a patch or summat.

No more than breathing does. Nothing harmful comes out of an e-cig. I can understand why they are banned but if someone honestly complained about one, knowing it was an e-cig and not real, then they're a fucking idiot.
If you want to make a point of it, like puffing away when you're shouting the beer up, most pubs will probably
pull you up on it. But If you're been a bit discreet, most won't bother you, I've observed.

I was sat opposite a bloke for about five hours the other day in a Wetherspoons, where they are banned and he was using one
pretty regularly the whole time.

I'm sure the staff must have clocked him but as he was probably making a point of not using it when they were walking past or pot
collecting, no one said anything to him.
All the pubs I have been in have been fine with me but I usually ask first, the only one who said no was a Weatherspoons, who I knew don't allow them. As far as I am aware there is no 'law' preventing you from using them, but a landlord could ask you to leave, but they can do that anyway.

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