Eden Hazard (continued)

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Good to see them taking a stand. One thing is for sure he is setting the expectations pretty high, the PL is not Ligue1. Fans wil be expecting miracles right away.
rickmcfc said:
Rammy Blue said:
rickmcfc said:
Hmmmmm, where has Tolmie gone recently now things are hotting up? An update would be nice.......if he is really an ITK.

Maybe, just maybe, he has a life outside of Bluemoon?

Well i would like to think he has, but he could still post an update couldnt he. When was the last time he posted?

LoveCity said:
It was the Irish guy from MOTD Colin Murray who said Hazard to rags is a done deal and that his BBC source had been right about things before. Dubious...

If he is referring to the same person as last week, he did say that the lad doesn't work in the media (nut works in Media City) and got 'one thing right' previously. It could well be he is talking about a porter or cleaner who is passing on info from someone who drinks in his local boozer.

Personally, I am more inclined to think Tolmie is telling the truth.

All this talk from the United side about Hazard joining them, indicates to me that they are all really hurt. So badly hurt they are desparate to get one over on us.
rickmcfc said:
Hmmmmm, where has Tolmie gone recently now things are hotting up? An update would be nice.......if he is really an ITK.

Maybe just maybe he doesn't need to contact is source every 5 minutes to ease the pain of the flappers.
Rammy Blue said:
rickmcfc said:
Hmmmmm, where has Tolmie gone recently now things are hotting up? An update would be nice.......if he is really an ITK.

Maybe, just maybe, he has a life outside of Bluemoon?

No such thing. Bluemoon is life.
<a class="postlink" href="http://twitter.com/#!/UK_TransferNews" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://twitter.com/#!/UK_TransferNews</a>

I assume they got the story from this BBC Radio Source.

Although they were saying last week that he had signed so i'm not counting this as credible
Anyone got a link to this posted ealier.(below)

Just want to cover my arse.


Hkibou said:
Chelsea-City-United : Hazard ne négocie plus !

Tous les chiffres sont sur la table, Eden Hazard, le meilleur joueur de Ligue 1, est "en phase de réflexion" et choisira son nouveau club après les deux matches des Diables.

Nous venons d'avoir en ligne son agent, John Bico. Il est catégorique : "On lit plein de choses fausses dans les journaux, on a l'impression que tout est compliqué, que tout traîne à cause de la seule question du salaire. C'est faux. Nous avons reçu les propositions de tous les clubs intéressés, Eden ne négocie plus nulle part car tout est clair. Il se donne seulement le temps de la réflexion. Il n'y aura pas de surenchère. Il se décidera après les matches des Diables Rouges contre le Monténégro et l'Angleterre, puis il partira en vacances l'esprit tranquille."

Alors, Chelsea, Manchester United ou le voisin de City ? Réponse dans une bonne dizaine de jours.

Pierre Danvoye, Sport/Foot Magazine

Chelsea - City - United : Negociations with Hazard are over !

Every propositions are on the table, the best Ligue 1 player is "now thinking", and will make his final choice after his two upcoming matches with Belgium.

We have just contacted his agent, John Bico. He is point-blank :
"One reads many false informations in the papers, it seems very complicated, very long because of the salary issues. It is untrue. We have received the propositions of every club interested, Eden isn't negociating anything anymore because everything is now clear. He just wants a bit more time to make his choice. There will be no try to get higher bids. He will make up his mind after the matches against Montenegro and England, and then he'll go on vacation with an eased mind"

So, Chelsea, United, or its neighbor City ? Answer will be given within two weeks ...
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