By every single measure Tesla are one of the worlds most valuable companies. If you check the enterprise value of Tesla then its value is based upon its stock and not its assets but why discount that? Everything else is only relevant to accounting and balance sheets, if you want to live in that world then enjoy the drab and grey.
You talk of Tesla shorts but one of the biggest was Bill Gates who's sat on $8bn in losses today and I'm glad he is. I refuse to praise or entertain anybody who seeks to make money from job losses and misery. It's also hopefully easy to see the irony in somebody who is so vocal about climate change and yet bets on the failure of an electric car company.
Would you rather that Tesla and SpaceX disappear? If you lived in America would you rather pay 10x more tax to give rocket launch contracts to major aerospace companies so they can pay dividends to shareholders? All of this to see Musk fail because of his politics? It's just sad to be honest that this is where politics takes people.
You only have to look at state of the UK car industry, would we love to have Tesla startup manufacturing for example in the UK? Of course we would but I'd still imagine that the bores on here would have a problem with it.
The western world meanwhile is coming to reject these 0.1% globalists because it isn't working and that goes for the politics that props it all up. It also counts because we should be favouring any smaller agile companies that do things faster and cheaper. Innovation is what creates value, not consolidation of profits or assets on balance sheets, that's why Tesla is worth $1.2tn.