Epoxy putty


Well-Known Member
26 Jul 2009
After some advice from plumbers or people who have used this stuff.
Got a copper pipe with a small hole in it, but most of the pipe is buried in concrete with only a couple of inches accessible so can't cut it and do a proper repair, is this stuff any good and how long does it last?
I have used it for sealing boat hulls! It works but from what you have said I think it depends on how clean you can get the hole/crack!
I can access the hole, it's maybe 2-3mm by 1mm, just can't get access to much length of the pipe or below it or anything, but can easy access the bit that needs repairing. The epoxy looks easy to use, I was more concerned with how long it will last, because getting access to the area will become extremely difficult soon as work is being done that will prevent access
I can access the hole, it's maybe 2-3mm by 1mm, just can't get access to much length of the pipe or below it or anything, but can easy access the bit that needs repairing. The epoxy looks easy to use, I was more concerned with how long it will last, because getting access to the area will become extremely difficult soon as work is being done that will prevent access

If you're about to have work done in the area, would it not be worth the hassle & expense of getting it done properly, just for peace of mind?
Serious! Hammer/bolster chisel the concrete out to gain more access junior hacksaw cut out enough for a Yorkshire straight socket 15 or 22 mm slide it on don't forget flux sweat it up jobs a goodun...

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