Eu workers over British.

Our mollycodling governments have bred a generation of British people who think the world owes them a living, self entitled, lazy and unmotivated in my experience and in the most recent work age people a generation (not all of course) who seem to lack even the most basic life skills. This is why I am so in favour of Brexit so we can start to stop these economic migrants coming here (unless we really want/need them), make our own rules, and force these layabouts to take the jobs that are available - otherwise it's no benefits in my view. I was brought up to believe that's tough love.

In most cases, given the choice between no money, or a job and money, the majority will take the latter and they may be forced to better themselves. The risk here is that employers move to other countries but it's not trivial to move these jobs (particularly if they are manufacturing businesses) and a lot of these businesses are SMB's who's life blood is the UK domestic market. For me, we should be bold enough to believe in our own country.
What the fuck has brexit got to do with this generation?? Most youngsters want to remain!! You're talking shit mate
Well there you have the major flaw of capitalism, where anything other than constant growth (which ultimately is impossible) is considered a failure. Japan hasn't grown significantly in real terms since the 80s, and yet I've been there and they seem to be doing alright. Don't get me wrong, I don't really have a problem with immigration (I live overseas myself), I can just understand why some people feel let down by a lack of training opportunities because companies can just go over to Romania and pick up a fully qualified tradesman to do the same job without having to bother training him. Why waste your time with an apprentice when you can get a bloke with 10 years experience to work for relatively low wages? My issue is with governments who can use immigration as an excuse not to properly fund training programmes.
Japan seems alright but it has a stagnant economy, an ageing population and a debt 2X gdp and worsening. It is close to flatlining and becoming the biggest economic collapse in history, the fact things seem OK is because they have almost given up
What you are saying then is that there should be complete laissez-faire government. Ditch all and any protections (something, ironically eschewed by the EU),
and let the markets run free. Remove the minimum wage, allow immigration from anywhere, allow employers to pay what they like in wages, and prices will plummet, which they
would indeed, as workers would cost next to nothing.
What the OP is saying is the competition is weighted against him and other unskilled or semi skilled British workers, and rightly blaming our masters/EU/immigration for the results.
What he is saying is if you don't support British business how can you expect it to support you
But it just goes to show that our government don't actually give a fook about everyday British folk. It's just all about getting someone that will do the same job for less money. We're getting shafted.
All your government cares about is getting elected next election - nothing else.
Japan seems alright but it has a stagnant economy, an ageing population and a debt 2X gdp and worsening. It is close to flatlining and becoming the biggest economic collapse in history, the fact things seem OK is because they have almost given up
Japan isn't in as bad a state as you think and is a long way from collapse. Although its public debt is huge, most of that debt is to its own population so the government has full control on how that is repaid. Japan's assets abroad are the highest in the world and its net international investment position (assets - liabilities) is also the highest in the world. It is the world's biggest creditor nation, with Germany and China in 2nd and 3rd place.
This isn't aimed just at you but at anyone making the "we need to protect our own" argument.

- How much of the food you eat is British made or grown?
- Do you only buy clothes that are made in the UK and made from UK grown products?
- Do you shop at a UK supermarket or one of the cheaper foreign ones? Does that Supermarket have a good reputation for treating its own staff and suppliers well?
- Ever used a cheap Irish airline at the expense of a British owned air travel provider?

Everyone looks for best value in all walks of personal and professional life, and if you live by the sword,m then you can't woman and moan when you die by the sword either.
That's not the point that was being made, though. Businesses have a right to get the best deal for themselves in a free market. It's not their job to train up the next generation of workers, so they only do it when it's cost effective for them to do so. And the job market should also be a free market where the most suitable candidate gets the job. The issue I have is with successive governments failing to ensure that their own citizens are more often than not the most suitable candidate. Any skills shortage is effectively a failure of governments to properly plan for the future, and while that's inevitable sometimes, you'd think they wouldn't be so quick to point out the fact that the NHS would collapse without workers from overseas. Who's fault is that?
Japan isn't in as bad a state as you think and is a long way from collapse. Although its public debt is huge, most of that debt is to its own population so the government has full control on how that is repaid. Japan's assets abroad are the highest in the world and its net international investment position (assets - liabilities) is also the highest in the world. It is the world's biggest creditor nation, with Germany and China in 2nd and 3rd place.
Yeah that. And also bear in mind that Japan still has quite a low rate of working women compared to most other developed countries. So they actually have a ready-made supply of additional workers if they needed it. The main problem they've got is lack of provisions for working families, which they're trying to fix now, because their current state means a low rate of women working as well as an extremely low birth rate, because most women still have to choose between the two.

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