EURO 2012: Day 4 Matchday thread

I expect Lescott and Milner to be lumped into the blame for tonight if we loose. This is because Lescott will be playing out of position and likely covering for Terrys escalating faults (see: last three matches he played in) but noone will bother to mention these facts and Milner will be playing very defensively because he has to do extra defensive work because of Glen Johnsons stupidity.

So here is my prediction for what will happen in the match "Milner didn't close the crosser down (even though he shouldn't have to as where the fuck was glen johnson) and Lescott didn't effectively clear the ball (as he's out of his natural position and Terry didn't actually watch his man so lescott went to cover). Hart had no chance."

I hope I am wrong though and both have amazing games and put the rest of england to shame, oh and that Hart pulls off a few world class saves.
I think that is a poor team,

if it's 4-3-3, then Ox/Young/Welbeck is a scandalously shit front 3, if it's 4-4-2, you're going to waste Milner by pushing him wide, and Ox is going to have to defend even more than he would in a 3. Don't think Young is good enough in the hole either, his main weapon is his pace and delivery, not the nous needed to play cute passes a la Spanish Dave.

France to win 2-0
The red wine is flowing, all I can say is I'm looking forward to it now. I've hated England in the past because I gave a fuck, now I don't give a fuck about them so I can enjoy the ride. If we do well fantastic, everyone's feeling great and it's an excuse to party. If we lose? I don't give a fuck!

Lescott & Ox A/T goalscorers, £2.50 each for a giggle.
Blue Smarties said:
The red wine is flowing, all I can say is I'm looking forward to it now. I've hated England in the past because I gave a fuck, now I don't give a fuck about them so I can enjoy the ride. If we do well fantastic, everyone's feeling great and it's an excuse to party. If we lose? I don't give a fuck!

Lescott & Ox A/T goalscorers, £2.50 each for a giggle.
You on it already? Good stuff.
I'm bitter and twisted about 2010, so i'm very much not going to watch the match tonight and I hope we get beat too, basically because we were so fucking shit in S. Africa.
Lokking forward to watching it without any great expectations. I think you can judge the expectations about England by the number of England car flags that can be seen. So far just two.
cibaman said:
Lokking forward to watching it without any great expectations. I think you can judge the expectations about England by the number of England car flags that can be seen. So far just two.
Good. WC 2006 there was loads of flags etc, with a nation looking forward to the tournament. As soon as Mcfuckingclaren got the job it all went down hill. 2010 and the travesty that was the national team was the final straw for many, myself included. Gutted actually as I used to really look forward to the tournaments. Usually by now I would be in the boozer looking forward to the game. Not now though.
Not interested in England. Interested in how our lads do. So will be watching.

The way this tournament has gone so far it won't surprise me to see us beat France and then crash out against Sweden and Ukraine.

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