Eurovision 2024

This winning song is fucking shite. A bit of rap mixed in with yodelling. What code did he break? Fucking shite, and no way is he called Nemo ffs
I'm gutted for Norway, but I did appreciate it's not really the kind of song that generally does well. More shocked at Estonia and Finland's performances.

Gutted for Croatia. Think the Switzerland song is average, fine but nothing to write home about. But clearly I am out of touch.
I'm gutted for Norway, but I did appreciate it's not really the kind of song that generally does well. More shocked at Estonia and Finland's performances.

Gutted for Croatia. Think the Switzerland song is average, fine but nothing to write home about. But clearly I am out of touch.
Estonia was really niche. I’m not surprised it wasn’t a hit with the votes.

Finland’s song reminded me of the Icelandic song that did really well, yet missed the mark for whatever reason tonight.

Norway should have committed more to heavier rock. It was in between and a bit wishy washy. Should have been more Lordi.
We need someone who can sing, bit rocky musically and have the Coldstream guards band march on at the end, all pomp and huge sounding rather than an effeminate boy rubbing himself against semi naked men in a box.
Freddie Mercury is dead, mate.

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