
black mamba said:
Yes .......

if ALL parties agree it would be for the best.

Surely thats the crux of the issue. The MAIN party cannot agree or disagree. Which is where we hit the ethics issue.

From a personal standpoint i sould rather be put out of my misery, but there is the issue of people trying to hurry their inheritance along or just plain twisted doctors woth a god complex( it happens).

Too many legal, ethical and moral questions raised in this one i think and i doubt it will ever be settled.
Always confused me how we can decide to euthenise a family pet but we don't have the right to decide for ourselves.
LongLang said:
black mamba said:
Yes .......

if ALL parties agree it would be for the best.

Surely thats the crux of the issue. The MAIN party cannot agree or disagree. Which is where we hit the ethics issue.

From a personal standpoint i sould rather be put out of my misery, but there is the issue of people trying to hurry their inheritance along or just plain twisted doctors woth a god complex( it happens).

Too many legal, ethical and moral questions raised in this one i think and i doubt it will ever be settled.

A lot of the time they can make their feelings known, just don't have the capabilities to take their own life.
nimrod said:
A friend of mines Mother had a stroke in 2004 where she was completely paralysed, cant speak and can only mover her eyes, since then she has spent everyday (for 9 years) in hospital in a bed being fed liquids through a tube, people visit here and talk to her but she cant respond so no-one knows if she can hear them or even if she knows who they are.
Her quality of life is pretty grim, god knows (if she is aware in her mind) what she must think about for 24 hours a day, it would seem to me to be a form of torture and a horrible way to spend the last years of your life.
No-one knows how long she will live, maybe another 9 years ??
My friend is bereft that her Mother is in this condition, it is a kind of torture for her too.

My question is, should the doctors (with next of kin consent) be able to end her life with an injection and put an end to this misery ?

Yep, 100%

I also believe you should be able to draw something up legally with a solicitor in advance so that in certain circumstances you can end your life. this would need strict control but i feel it is required.
definite yes for euthanasia from me.

my dad is 92 years old and has mix dementia, which he`s had for 5 years.

he is bedridden, blind, very deaf, and shouts help me all day long. the latter, hopefully it is just a sort of tic that comes with the illness and he`s not really asking for help.

but my point, the person i knew who brought me up as a lone parent is not there anymore it is just the shell of he man that was my dad.

it just isnt fair to let him suffer anymore, he wont miraculously recover, he`ll just keep on getting worse. at the same time it is bleeding the national health service dry keeping the tens if not hundred of thousands of hopeless cases alive, when money could be better spent elsewhere on the sick who do have a chance of being treated and getting back to normality.
Yes..As long as every avenue has been looked at and quality of life is non existent..

My missus and I have agreed that we will not let each other suffer should sommat like this happen..

I will gladly go to prison if it meant ending the suffering of the woman I love..
Am hoping it never comes to it..

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