Exit Doors South Stand level 3


Well-Known Member
3 Nov 2008
There are one set of double doors to the left and right once you have left your seating. This seems to create an almighty squeeze for everyone leaving at the end of the game. I don't think it is safe or adequate, does anyone agree?
There are one set of double doors to the left and right once you have left your seating. This seems to create an almighty squeeze for everyone leaving at the end of the game. I don't think it is safe or adequate, does anyone agree?
Thing is they're probably designed that way so there is no surge down the stairs.
right, sounds plausible. The spiral walkways by far are a superior way to exit the ground but presume there was no room to build them?
Why don't the club open them new bridges they built to the spirals ,well the one in the home end anyway ? This would take some pressure of the crowd exiting the stadium after the game.
right, sounds plausible. The spiral walkways by far are a superior way to exit the ground but presume there was no room to build them?

Walking from level 3 of the spiral to the bottom is like walking from Manchester to Blackpool. Stairs are miles better.
I'm sure the design is deliberately to slow people down in a normal exit. If there was an emergency, the bridges would be opened to the spirals and I think there might even be an additional emergency staircase in the middle, which would be opened up.

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