Explosion At Factory In Bosley Near Macc


Well-Known Member
1 Jun 2015
Wood flour mills near Macclesfield has exploded and gone up in flames, believed 4 workers still trapped inside, looks like a scene of devastation, any Bluemooners near it?
Wood flour mills near Macclesfield has exploded and gone up in flames, believed 4 workers still trapped inside, looks like a scene of devastation, any Bluemooners near it?
It's Wood Treatment Ltd. I know the site and owner. It looks completely destroyed. Wasn't the best kept site in my opinion.doesnt look good for those missing.
Was it those pesky Muslamics Blundies? ISIS? Al Qaeda? How come you didn't predict this one???
Eh!! 4 workers are missing possibly dead and you are trying to score political points, bad form that sorry
Eh!! 4 workers are missing possibly dead and you are trying to score political points, bad form that sorry

Not trying to score any political points at all. Don't know how you could even infer that.

And don't play the sympathy for the injured/dead card. You're happy to condone the wanton murder of innocent people in far flung corners of the globe, so don't pick and choose who is/isn't worthy of sympathy. Or is it ok when its a brown person in a middle of a desert? HashtagSmileyFace
Wow only just seen this,used to deliver to this place quite regular ,hope they find them safe
Not trying to score any political points at all. Don't know how you could even infer that.

And don't play the sympathy for the injured/dead card. You're happy to condone the wanton murder of innocent people in far flung corners of the globe, so don't pick and choose who is/isn't worthy of sympathy. Or is it ok when its a brown person in a middle of a desert? HashtagSmileyFace
Deary me

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