F.A to investigate Bacon Face.

As the missus said to me, what the hell is the point on spending thousands on a 'respect the ref' campaign, having officials visiting schools and local teams to implement it and make us all understand why it is so important, when such a public figure does something like this? Completely destructive and driven only by his own wants and needs. It would appear Wiley is not in his back pocket, given the list of results from games he has officiated, and so he is attempting to discredit him and force him out. Complete disgrace - how he was ever Knighted I will never know.

Let's have him up against Wiley on It's A Knockout then - the fat drunken git will be put in his place then. Wouldn't make it 100 metres without a slug of Famous Grouse. He's a foul mouthed, egotistical compulsive whinger and it's about time he got a good ol' smack in the baconchops.
fat sam will be fined 1000000000000000000,00000000000000000000 pounds

and lumpy bacon will be praised for speaking out about the ref and then they will kiss and make up, maybe have a tea party together.
kiam06 said:
I notice they've dragged Allardyce into it so they can go easy on Bacon face. They will treat them both as equal when Bacon face's comments were much worse.

The panel of Paddy Crerand, Mickey Thomas and David Gill are going to review the interview and decide whether or not to charge him.

The scary thing id you are probobaly not far form the truth there! The FA are scared shitless of him and daren't do anything to p**s him off.

I agree with a previous poster who said Wiley could sue for defamation, he must be fit enough as he wouldn't have passed all the Premier League fitness tests. So to then accuse him of not being fit and too old is surely libellous given it was said so publicly?
It just goes to show what kind of a person Fergi really is. One minute he is up the refs ass, the next he is down his throat. LOL that didnt come out right, did it? Hehe....

Anyway it should stand as a warning to all the officals that when things are going his way he is all lovey dovey, but when the tide changes he will turn on them in the most cowardly and vicious manner.

How can he be respectected in the game as a whole, he's a loud mouth hypocric who can ultimately see his down fall on the horizon, and he's running scared. Maybe its his age also, maybe he just can't take the pressure anymore or maybe he's loosing the plot. But what ever the reason..Fergi your Rome is burning and it seems very apt that it was the Arabs who fueled the fire and a former Red ledgend, who is now wearing the blue of city, that struck the match.

Personally...Im loving every minute of it..You are your own worst enemy Fergi....
4th Official (Web) was same ref who sent Wenger off for kicking the water bottle a few weeks back so how he can instantly decide on wenger but let ferguson twice get in his face with no action taken tells you they are too afraid or biased to take action
Bacon Face is a feckin disgrace. Laughing and Joking and backslapping with the 4th official against us and verbally abusing the poor fooker on Saturday. Its about time the authorities sorted this reprabate of a human being out once and for all!!!
To be fair on the 4th referee, in the english tradition, it is impossible to conclude that Mr.Wenger showed any kind of respect whereas Sir Fergusson was true to the english tradition of respect.

M.Wenger vented his frustration on a harmless plastic bottle showing this way an unbeareable level of cowardice. Him being french did help to dispell any doubt and interpret this kick as a gesture made in cowardice.

Meanwhile, Sir Fergusson displayed a much more manly attitude, nearly a get in the ring attitude. He could have easily confronted the 4th referee head to head, ready to land his brow on the ref nose in an attempt to bully him into making the "right" decision.

What attitude reflects the english perception of respect better? M. Wenger avoiding to confront the referee and kicking a harmless bottle or Sir Fergusson, ready to jump at the referee's throat if this opportunity arises?

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