F1 run in - who will/do you want to be champion?

I really want Hamilton to win it, but that's not gona happen. So I'm going to be supporting Webber instead, although I actually think Alonso will win it.
Bojinov The Bull said:
This season has been brilliant, twists and turns all the way and could well be decided this weekend depending on how the results go. It looks like its between Webber and Alonso now with Hamilton in with an outside chance but who do you think will win it and who do you want to win it?

My favourite team is McLaren and driver is Hamilton so obviously i'd like him to do it, I know a lot of people don't like him but I do, I think he's a natural racer, he's always taking chances, trying to overtake and doesn't play it safe which I really like. However I think it would take back to back wins and a bit of luck for him to win it which realistically won't happen with the speed of his car so I think Webber will win it which I don't mind because I like him, his favourite band is Oasis and he's a keen mountain biker, what a guy!

Basically anyone but Alonso to win it for me, I hate him!

Quality post mate - agree word for word!

Never knew Webber's into Oasis either :)

Dunno? my gut feeling is telling me Massa's gonna win on Sunday, hopefully Hamilton or Webber though. All being well Alonso and Vettel will fluff it right up on the first corner and take each other out lol. Overall after Abu Dhabi however, I reckon Webber will just tax it off Alonso by a couple of points ;)
Still to close to call really. Alonso's run out of engines which is why I don't think he'll do it. I actually like him. Great driver and ruthless but not reckless.

I actually want Hamilton to win it though, but it looks difficult and he'll ahve to rely on Red Bull fucking it up, again.

I like Webber but don't think he's a great racer. Same goes for Vettel... Both are fast and so is the car, but when it gets tight they make mistakes.

Great grid for tomorrow. There's going to a right battle behind the Hulk and I can see at least one of the Red Bulls not making it through the 1st lap.

Certainly going to be glued to the final 2 races, although there's a big clash of times this weekend.

What to do...???
Hulk on pole,Hamo just behind=first corner carnage,probably affecting the first five or so,good chance for Button and Massa to move to the front.If the weather is like qualifying,they may as well draw lots rather than race as its pure luck where you are when it rains,slicks in the wet means crash.
isn;t it due to rain in brazil tomorrow though? I though the Maclarens held the advantage in the wet as long as tyre chocie is correct?

May make it very interesting tomorrow with a Hamilton win and the red bulls and alonso picking up minimal points

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