Fair play to that red


Well-Known Member
9 Apr 2009
Trevor Sinclair's spare room
Walking down Wembley way after the game and got caught up in some of the aggro with the filthy MIBs, we were stood right amongst them pretty much, it was surprising how we just bumped into so many of them with so little City fans being in the same area. There was a family behind me with two little lads who were absolutely mortified as were the parents, a red in an old home shirt came up to them and started speaking to the young lads saying how he's sorry they have to see that and jokingly saying that only speak to United fans in colours usually cos the rest of them are idiots, speaking to that family for quite a while. I had my shirt on so was a pretty easy target to be fair, I had my wits about me and I'm surprised I never got hit at one point by those cowards, I didn't open my mouth though. Same fella puts his arm on my shoulder, and just says in my ear 'well done today, I'm actually really pleased for you and hope you do well, we needed that to shut some of our fans up.' He was really embarassed about the rest of the United fans around us and kept apologising that we had to see all that, seemed genuinely angry by it all. Fair play to that man, was pleased with the way he reassured the family behind us more than anything cos they looked petrified. Probably the first genuinely decent rag I have ever met.
There are plenty of decent United fans, just as passionate about their club as we are, and I count quite a few as really good friends of mine.

However there has always been a significant minority that has always been violent, they were well known for it in the 70's and they are still at it today, there is something about the club it's self in my opinion, and something they have not done enough about preferring to ignore it.

Of course the media will have none of it, preferring the public face, of a family friendly club.
i shook a reds hand on the tube, and was having a chat about football.

he turned out to be a fucking arrogant wanker, he just slagged city off to absolute fuck.

and his breath stank like fucking arse. cockney twat couldn't wait to get away from him.
What annoys me about MIB's is it is so obvious who they are,so why haven't the old bill done something about them.
They are shitbags as well,i remember a derby a few years back they wrecked a pub in levenshulme,but it was a pub full of kids with their mums and dads,
my mate got his arm broken.
And yes some reds are just like us passionate for there team and decent human beings.
By the way there are some blues who need to take a look at themselves after some things i witnessed yesterday.
BlueMoon93 said:
Walking down Wembley way after the game and got caught up in some of the aggro with the filthy MIBs, we were stood right amongst them pretty much, it was surprising how we just bumped into so many of them with so little City fans being in the same area. There was a family behind me with two little lads who were absolutely mortified as were the parents, a red in an old home shirt came up to them and started speaking to the young lads saying how he's sorry they have to see that and jokingly saying that only speak to United fans in colours usually cos the rest of them are idiots, speaking to that family for quite a while. I had my shirt on so was a pretty easy target to be fair, I had my wits about me and I'm surprised I never got hit at one point by those cowards, I didn't open my mouth though. Same fella puts his arm on my shoulder, and just says in my ear 'well done today, I'm actually really pleased for you and hope you do well, we needed that to shut some of our fans up.' He was really embarassed about the rest of the United fans around us and kept apologising that we had to see all that, seemed genuinely angry by it all. Fair play to that man, was pleased with the way he reassured the family behind us more than anything cos they looked petrified. Probably the first genuinely decent rag I have ever met.

There are a few out there, but an endangered species especially since taggart arrived.
These nast bastards spoiled what was a brilliant day for everyone they got marched past us near the greyhound pub, they weren't fans the were vermin not one had Utd colours, the cops took loads of pictures they should be IDd and not even allowed near a football ground for life scumbags.
about time we stopped all the "munich" chants & that song about united running away at every home/away game,they were out mob handed because we invited them!!!!!!!

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