Faith Healing


Well-Known Member
1 Aug 2009
I was watching a pretty rubbish documentary the other day about the holy grail. Where Jamie Theakston went around Britain looking at some cups that claimed to be it.

One of the cups used to belong to a posh family that let people who were ill drink from the cup and they were miraculously cured. Few days before I was reading about the nocebo effect.

This got me thinking if we can cure ourselves by believing we are taking a cure which is basically a sugar pill (placebo effect) , then surely some people who believed in God and drank from the “holy grail", touched a relic, were blessed or even prayed would also have cured themselves also. This to me makes it more understandable why people believed in god in the first place.

So are we losing this ability to cure ourselves by not having faith?

Also is there are Placebo tribute band call Nocebo if not why not?
Tuearts right boot said:
As with religion, it's all in the mind and the mind can be pretty powerful if you want it to be.

It's not that fucking powerful. I was trying to 'jedi mind trick' the remote control from the other side of the room but I still ended up having to watch Ex on the fucking beach.
I was listening to the radio, years ago when a speaker suggested that the next time you suffer a niggly pain or unexplained ache, acknowledge it.
That is to say, for example the next time you feel a sore throat coming on, instead of ignoring it and half hoping that it'll go away, just say to yourself, 'my throat is sore and I want it to go away'.
Anyway, it costs nothing and it's harmless, so I've been acknowledging these aches and niggles ever since.
I've never taken an aspirin or paracetamol since because if I think I'm going to get a headache, I acknowledge it and it seems to just go away.
That said, I doubt I'd be so chirpy about it if I suffered migraines and I've had plenty of head colds and sore throats that didn't go away. Still, as a barrier between me and pouncing on the medicine cabinet, it seems to be doing me some small bit of good.
mad4city said:
I was listening to the radio, years ago when a speaker suggested that the next time you suffer a niggly pain or unexplained ache, acknowledge it.
That is to say, for example the next time you feel a sore throat coming on, instead of ignoring it and half hoping that it'll go away, just say to yourself, 'my throat is sore and I want it to go away'.
Anyway, it costs nothing and it's harmless, so I've been acknowledging these aches and niggles ever since.
I've never taken an aspirin or paracetamol since because if I think I'm going to get a headache, I acknowledge it and it seems to just go away.
That said, I doubt I'd be so chirpy about it if I suffered migraines and I've had plenty of head colds and sore throats that didn't go away. Still, as a barrier between me and pouncing on the medicine cabinet, it seems to be doing me some small bit of good.

Do you think this might work with HIV or ebola?
Helmet Cole said:
mad4city said:
I was listening to the radio, years ago when a speaker suggested that the next time you suffer a niggly pain or unexplained ache, acknowledge it.
That is to say, for example the next time you feel a sore throat coming on, instead of ignoring it and half hoping that it'll go away, just say to yourself, 'my throat is sore and I want it to go away'.
Anyway, it costs nothing and it's harmless, so I've been acknowledging these aches and niggles ever since.
I've never taken an aspirin or paracetamol since because if I think I'm going to get a headache, I acknowledge it and it seems to just go away.
That said, I doubt I'd be so chirpy about it if I suffered migraines and I've had plenty of head colds and sore throats that didn't go away. Still, as a barrier between me and pouncing on the medicine cabinet, it seems to be doing me some small bit of good.

Do you think this might work with HIV or ebola?
Really? That's what you got from that? Jesus but this place is turning into a convention of sneering half wits.
For the slow boys, down the back:
Given that I say in my post that it wouldn't work with migraines, your sarcasm is wildly misplaced.
It does however work for me insomuch as it makes me wait before just unthinkingly resorting to medication.
The brain has the ability to cure pain because pain is ultimately an invention of the brain. When the brain tells itself to stop creating something do you think it might be possible that sometimes is stops creating something?

Err...yes. Yes I do. I'm not sure how this is surprising.
So the consensus is, the brain cannot cure the illness, but it can switch off some of the pain signals. That's probably why I just feel numb when Jovetic warms up.
Dakeb said:
So the consensus is, the brain cannot cure the illness, but it can switch off some of the pain signals. That's probably why I just feel numb when Jovetic warms up.

It's a topic that unfortunately people just don't know enough about yet. There has been research done that indicates that it can cure illnesses too if you believe that you're taking a cure. Not just "the power of human thought" believe, but actually and properly believe.

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