FAO maineman, newcrossblue and mat

newcrossblue said:
mat said:
I have that as a phone ringtone.

I've got the Soviet National Anthem.

And that too!

Always have that one set for management meetings, Pisses them off good and proper.

Thanks for the dedication Macca.
The Unions still have a massive part to play.

The one thing that really got to me about the Ragged Trousered Philanthropists was one simple fact. That the working man manufactures and produces, only to sell on to another working man. Whilst the rich get richer by doing nothing other than seeing a worthwhile investment and sitting back.

It's like a cycle that benefits only one. Yet the work is by many.
mackenzie said:
The Unions still have a massive part to play.

The one thing that really got to me about the Ragged Trousered Philanthropists was one simple fact. That the working man manufactures and produces, only to sell on to another working man. Whilst the rich get richer by doing nothing other than seeing a worthwhile investment and sitting back.

It's like a cycle that benefits only one. Yet the work is by many.

It's getting harder convincing people Macca.

When talking to workmates between 20-30 on the job they don't seem too bothered about the TU movement, seeing it more as a way that people get out of work. Thatchers children (not all follow the wicked witch) are in the workplace and seem happy to take what they can for themselves. The average age of activists in my union is 46. Out of all the members under 30, Only 6 are currently active ( I could be General Sec in 20 years!).

Through our Young Members conference last year we sent a resolution through to the TUC to encourage the role of trade unions via schools sponsored by them and it was thrown out!!! The TUC are more interested in inviting the head of CBI and hob nobbing with the PM than speaking out against injustice to working class people.

The TUC should be encouraging people along with the biggest unions Unite and unison people to join a recognised TU. My union has incentives such as £1.25 a month subs for anyone who earns less than £15,000 a year.

Should the tories get in they will come for mine and my fraternal unions who stand up against unfairness and injustice in the workplace and we may well have a miners mk2 on our hands, this time with the railway.I hope they don't go as far as colombia where Activist are killed for protesting http://www.justiceforcolombia.org/

I don't mean to sound pessimistic.I Personally believe change is round the corner and all it takes is one person to start it.

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